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The Dawn’s Dusk - 11. Chapter 11- Troth Season, part 1

Warning: Offspring abuse. Drugging.


"Oswith, darling," our mother greeted with a sigh as she draped herself on his lap. "Our boys are simply clueless. How could they exist beneath the same roof of such a coveted alpha like Vis Sepherus and not manage to claim him completely? It was a miracle that he so much as took notice of a male omega in the first place. I heard his last relationship was with a woman..."

How had she found out about Lene? I barely managed to get so much as her name out of Emery. And I had been living with them for over a month by that point! Who was the source of her information?

"Does Vis Sepherus no longer want him?" Oswith questioned.

"Of course he does," I responded without thinking. Our father's cold blue eyes glanced my way.

"Have you lost all respect for us in only two months?" He growled. "How is it that we've had to hear from Sepherus's beta rabble that you were Favored by Dawn?"

Beta rabble?

"That only just happened yesterday morning," Owin cut in. "How did you find out so fast? And just how did you know I was in the estate?"

"Do you really believe that a letter can't be easily intercepted?" Rina Edesia questioned. "It was only a matter of time before your little brother tried to contact you. Rhyad would never tell us your whereabouts, but I knew you wouldn't leave without giving him some inkling as to where you've gone."

Was that why they really had me go to the estate? To wait for me to lure my brother there? Our parents couldn't possibly have known that I'd contact him. I was unsure of ever contacting him at all until my Progression hit. Or, had they expected that he'd seek me out, regardless?

"Tell me who your informant is right now," Owin insisted. "If I'm Vis Sepherus's Intended, it will be a sandy day in the Azure before I allow one of his staff members to continue ratting him out."

"That's what I like to hear," our father praised. "The drive to gain control over your own territory. The staff member is insignificant; a mere river wyvern named Arrol. But, your interest surely means that you're ready to claim Sepherus in two days..."

"What? No!" Owin retorted. "I accept that we're Intendeds, and I am more open to the idea of living with him than I was before, but I'm still not ready to claim and be claimed by Sepherus during a Troth Season!"

"Don't be a coward," Oswith hissed. "Being claimed is merely the means to an end. It's the title and land that's important. You're not going to find a better match when you reach forty years of age."

"And you, Rhyad?" Rina prompted as she caught my gaze. "This Troth Season is quite promising for a Dawn omega. Are you ready to draw in a strong and powerful alpha?"

"I d-don't want to attend this Troth Season, either. I have s-someone else in mind..." I barely managed to respond.

"Oh?" She questioned. "Is it an alpha we know, or do you have your sight set on Sepherus, as well?"

I shook my head. "I want to become Eld Emery's Intended," I admitted.

Our parents shared a glance. "A Dusk beta?" Oswith snorted. "That may have been a decent match when you were still a beta. But, not now. Dawn omegas can draw in the most powerful alphas without even trying."

"Be that as it may, I still prefer Eld Emery."

"Why in the name of Azure are our sons such idiots!?" The head of the Edesia family huffed as he threw his arms in the air.

"Darling, calm down..." Rina cooed as she stroked his arm. "Boys, go to your room while your father and I talk."

Owin and I didn't need to be told twice. We rushed to our old room so fast that we nearly crashed into one another on the way. As I gently closed the door behind us, I caught sight of Owin flopping face down onto his bed. I expected to see a cloud of dust surrounding him from disuse, but our mother must have ordered the room cleaned for our return.

"Do they want to live our lives for us while they're at it? It's ridiculous!" He groaned.

"At least they seem to be taking us more seriously than usual," I pointed out. "I don't know if it's because the Edesias are desperate to have us participate in the Troth Season, though..."

"Pssh. Tough for them," Owin replied. "We're not going anywhere other than back to the estate. Seph told me how his sister Kasia played the lyre, and he used to sing for her. I heard from some of the staff that Seph has a good singing voice."

"So, that lyre belonged to Kasia? It all makes sense now," I mused aloud. "And I'm sure you don't have to convince him to sing. He likes singing."

"You sure know a lot about my Intended," Owin complained with a pout. "Are you sure it's not Seph you want instead of the Eld?"

I shook my head. "Owin, I don't like Sepherus the same way you do. I may have thought it was the type of 'like' that was meant for Intended mates, but I was wrong." My mind drifted to the look in Emery's lavender eyes before we left the estate, and I lifted a hand to my stuttering heart. "I've never felt this way about anyone before. I want so badly to be by Emery's side."

Owin's face shifted into a playful grin. "Look at us, Rhy-fry. Wasn't it only yesterday when the two of us found more and more creative ways to escape from alphas?"

"You were the one escaping from alphas. I only tried to keep them distracted," I countered. "I wanted to be Favored by the moon. I wanted nothing more than to be just like you. I knew that one day, an alpha would win over your heart, and I'd be left alone..."

"We've only been apart for two months, and I came running when I saw your letter," the golden-eyed omega responded. "Nothing can ever really keep us apart. Not even Intended mates." Owin draped an arm over my shoulders. "Besides, if we do really end up with Seph and the Eld, we'll be downright neighbors, won't we?"

"You're right," I replied, unable to mask the surprise in my voice. "The Vesper estate is right next to the Tehran estate. That would be wonderful."

"Boys!" Our mother called from the door. "Open the door for me."

I rushed to do just that and saw that she was balancing a tray with a teapot and on it. The scent was soft and mixed. She walked over to set it down on a small table in our room before turning towards us.

"While your father and I disagree with your decisions, we will discuss it further with Vis Sepherus and Eld Emery present," Rina Edesia declared. "I made you both some tea, so you don't have to wander into the kitchen. Your father and I will be there all night talking about your prospects." She paused on her way out the door. "Try to get some rest."

"Our own tea? That's a first," Owin snorted as he poured out two cups for us. "She must really not want us in the kitchen."

"Do you think they'll actually invite Seph and Em?" I wondered.

"That's what it sounds like. I don't care what they say," my brother affirmed. "I refuse to be rushed, and you shouldn't be rushed, either."

"Agreed, Owin-twin," I stated as the two of us gently clinked our cups in camaraderie. As I lifted the cup to my lips, I caught the faintest hint of a familiar scent. It wasn't until I took the first sip that I recognized what it was.

"Concentrated Mialat!" My eyes widened, and I held out a hand towards Owin. "Don't gulp!"

The last thing I saw was Owin spitting the tea back into the cup before the edges of my vision filled with black.




When I opened my eyes, my line of vision was expanded. I craned my neck to see that my brother was in his winged form. He was pacing at the edge of a clearing. As I moved, I realized that I was in my winged form, as well. Owin's coral scales with gold, swirly patterns were easy to make out even at night. But, as I glanced down at myself, I realized that my pale scales stood out in the darkness even more.

'No, get back down!' Owin huffed in Kedoran. 'You stick out way more than I do right now. Stay behind that shrubbery.'

'Why are we in our winged forms? Where are we?' I asked him.

'I don't know what was in that tea, but it knocked us out for more than a day.'

He then pointed to a massive leaf full of water. It, too, was hidden behind the shrubs. I suspected the plants to be a variation of arborvitae and the leaf to be a severed water lily. The panic seemed to seep off my older brother. Thinking of my botany studies helped me not to match that level of panic. I quickly drank what I could of the water. Though the thirst was quenched, the hunger made itself known. I tried my best to ignore it as I lifted my gaze back to my pacing brother.

'Owin, where are we?' I asked again; though I had a bad feeling I knew what his answer would be.

'Isn't it obvious? We're in the woods where the Troth Season is supposed to kick off,' he ranted as he continued to pace. 'Worse yet, our loving parents dropped our unconscious selves on the wide, open field in front of us for any flying alphas to see. As if we don't already stick out well enough with our bright colors!'

'We can try heading back before the gathering begins-'

'It's too late for that. I already caught a few alphas circling above like vultures. Who knows how many are already out there.'

'We can stay hidden! If they can't see us-'

'They can smell us. They can smell you especially.'


'Rhyad, you're not just in heat; you're a Dawn omega in heat.'

As I took in a deep breath, I realized the truth of those words. Owin was close, and I was able to detect his scent if I focused on it. However, my own scent was downright overpowering. It lingered on the shrub and on the water lily I just drank from.

'Rutting riots in the Azure!'


Copyright © 2021 Thirdly; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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