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    Wind Dancer
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  • 898 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Dawn - 1. Chapter 1

Chapter 1


-Call me when I'm ready, but it won't be tonight.

Mike and Allison Creld couldn’t take it anymore; their son, Jacob, needed to turn down his music. Mike pounded on the door that led to the basement to one of the biggest houses in South Valendale.
Jacob threw the door open, “What? I’m busy,” he yelled.
“Turn the damn music down,” his father responded, “or you won’t be able to go to your dance team shit today.”
Jacob slammed the door in his father’s face and ran back down the stairs. Hit the pause button and picked up his cell. Slowly and shaking he started to dial the number of the person he’d been crushing on for the last four months.
“Damnit,” he said putting the phone down, “I forgot that he don’t like me.”
Jacob is gay. He has known about himself for as long as he remembered. He only recently came out to one of his closest friends, Kim. She felt a little awkward about it for a little while, but after a while she realized it wasn’t as big of a deal as she thought.
Jacob walked over to the CD player and switched the CD to the one from the movie The Fighting Temptations. This was the one he listened to the most. He turned it to the best song on it, and turned it up. He opened his mouth and began to sing. This was his way of calming down. He sang this song with as much passion as he could, “Seems like I always fall short of being worthy. Cause I ain’t good enough, but he still loves me! I ain’t no super star, cause my light ain’t shining on me. Cause I ain’t good enough, but he still loves me!” He wiped the tears away from his eyes and went to get ready for his dance team.
He was a Hip-Hop dancer, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy a little gospel. He often wondered why they didn’t play that stuff in the cathedral. He put on his shoes and ran up the stairs.
“I’m leaving for dance,” He told his mom.
His mom answered, “Do you have your cell? Be back by 9 please.”
“Yes and ok!” Jacob muttered as he shut the door. He walked up to his crappy car and pulled open the door. He sat down and started the engine. The radio was already tuned and playing his favorite station, the only one that played rap and didn’t give a damn about what anyone else said.
His mom’s friend’s daughter, Sierra, suddenly called him, “Hey! I just thought I’d call and see how you were doing!”
“I’m good, how are you babe?” Jacob lied.
“I’m ok, there’s this really cute new guy moving in next door!”
“Oh…my…God…and I care why?” Jacob said with an I’m-just-not-in-the-best-mood attitude.
“Um, something bothering you?” Sierra asked with concern in her voice, “Normally when I tell you that a hot guy is near you are all over it.”
Jacob took a deep breath and said, “My dad seems stressed. Girl I got to go, I just got to Emily’s house.”
“Oh dance? Aiight, keep it fresh home-slice” Sierra said giggling.
“Don’t be frontin,” Jacob said understanding this was a joke. He pulled up to the house where Emily lived. He saw that Laura, Kelsey and Gideon, other members of the dance team, were already there. He took the disc out of his player and walked up the walk.
Kelsey was standing on a chair in the middle of the room singing “Fever”. Jacob stood at the door not wanting to interrupt his friend’s show. Gideon looked over at Jacob and ran over to give him a hug. Gideon, like Jacob, liked guys. One guy he liked more than any other, Jacob. They dated a while back, and Gideon never got over him.
The song ended and Kelsey looked over to where Gideon was sitting and noticed he wasn’t there. The only reason Gideon would get out of his seat during a performance was if Jacob was near. It was like a sixth sense for him. She jumped off of the chair and walked over to Jacob. Jacob brushed off Gideon and hugged Kelsey.
She kissed him softly on the cheek and pulled him into the dance studio, “Almost everyone’s here. Kim and Jason are the only ones that aren’t here.”
“Wonder why?” Jacob asked, “Those two aren’t usually late for anything.”
“Unless there’s a guy involved,” Gideon pointed out, “but there isn’t, or else you wouldn’t be here.”
“Well, Sierra called me and mentioned she had a new neighbor.” Jacob said.
Emily interrupted, “SHE DID!! Lets go!” She ran to her get her shoes on and everyone else started to move too.
Jacob pulled Kelsey aside “What about Andrew?” Andrew was the group’s only strait guy, which was unfortunate for Gideon, Jason and Jacob because he was a very fine guy.
“He’s on a date wit Megz,” She answered. Megz was one of Andrew’s ‘groupies’, as he called them.
“OK, what about the Talent Show?” Jacob yelled.
Gideon looked back at him and said, “Who cares? Hot guys!”
Jacob announced that someone else could ride with him. Gideon ran to his car, pushing Kelsey onto the ground. Everyone got into the cars and headed for Sierra’s house.

Copyright © 2011 Wind Dancer; All Rights Reserved.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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