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    Wind Dancer
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  • 1,561 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Dawn - 8. Chapter 8

Chapter 8
99 Problems

-Foes that want to make sure my casket's closed.

Jacob woke the next morning alone in Damian’s bed. What a night it had been. He looked around and couldn’t find Damian. He got out of the bed, put his pants on and started to look for him.
He walked into the living room and found no sign of Damian, Kelsey or anybody. He walked in to the kitchen, filled with the sun’s rays. He walked to the table and found a piece of paper folded in half with his name on it. He unfolded it and read it slowly.
Dearest Jacob,
Something came up suddenly and we had to go. Sorry I didn’t wake you up. We should be back around 10. I’ll explain when we get back.
Love you!
Jacob looked over at the clock on the oven. He had half an hour until they returned. He walked into the living room, sat on the couch and turned the TV on. He started to channel surf. He stopped at Springer. He groaned and decided to watch it anyway. A person screaming at each another wasn’t his idea of a good wake up call.
He watched it until it was over. He looked over at the clock and wondered why they weren’t back yet. His cell phone rang and he pulled it out of his jeans.
“Hello?” He sounded groggy.
“Where are you?” It was his mother.
“I’m still at Damian’s, why?”
The response was much louder than Jacob expected, “WE FOUND A VAMPIRE! ONE THAT IS RELATED TO DAMIAN AND HIS FAMILY!”
Jacob was silent for a few seconds then continued to speak, “Did you kill it?”
“No, I didn’t. Sierra did. Isn’t that amazing! Sierra. I wouldn’t have expected her skills to be so high. Then again, her mother is Naomi,” She continued, “I don’t want you near any of his family anymore.”
“What?” Jacob yelled, “Why not?”
“They’re all vampires! I am your mother and I said so,” Allison yelled.
Jacob took the phone away from his ear and turned it off. He expected his mother to call back screaming at him about hanging up but that call never came.
He looked outside after hearing the sound of a car pull up. Damian was the only one who got out of the car and he ran to the door. Jacob was already standing by the door when Damian opened it.
Damian gave him a kiss and said, “Can you come with us?”
Jacob looked slightly puzzled and responded, “Yeah, Where are we going?”
“I’ll tell you in the car,” Damian said pulling Jacob outside.
The two of them ran to the car and got into the back seat of it. His mom said, “Buckle up, no need for more blood to be spilt!” Jacob put the seat belt over his torso and buckled it into the fastener. The car pulled out of the drive way and drove in the opposite direction of Sierra’s house.
“Kelsey, what’s going on?” Jacob said with slight force, “Who was killed?”
“We’re going into the forest,” Damian answered, “Adam was killed we’re going to his funeral.”
Jacob’s jaw dropped and he sat back into the seat. His mom made a left turn onto the street that led into the foothills. The scenery turned from city to forest as they drove farther away from South Valendale.
“We aren’t going to the forest for a funeral, are we?” Jacob said silently.
Kelsey continued to focus on the road but Damian looked over and a tear rolled down his cheek, “No.”
Jacob’s eyes grew to the size of saucers and quietly said, “What are you going to do with me?”
Damian looked away to the trees that were flying by and whispered, “I don’t know what they’ll do to you, but I cannot protect you here.”
Jacob began to panic. He looked around for any means of escape, finding none he embraced the inevitable. She turned into one of the dirt roads that led away from the paved road. Jacob undid the buckle and scooted over toward Damian. He rested his head on his shoulder as tears trickled down his cheek.
“Don’t cry babe,” Damian whispered, “I don’t know what will happen either, but we need to be strong.”
“I’m scared,” Jacob sniffled, “I don’t want to die!”
Kelsey looked into the rear view mirror, “The elders requested to see you,” she said, returning her gaze to the road, “I don’t think they will be too rational.”
Jacob looked at her and realized that she was frightened too.
They pulled up to a house that was taller than any of the trees surrounding it. Jacob grabbed hold of Damian’s hand as they walked into the building. They walked up to a clerk at a counter and she began to walk up the stairs to the brilliant blue wooden doors that rest on the second floor. Kelsey looked back at the boys and smiled. Jacob felt much of his stress released at the sight of her smile. It was very comforting.
The woman looked down and pointed at Jacob and Damian. The two of them slowly walked to the steps then began their ascent. Damian felt Jacob’s grip tighten with every other step. They reached the top, took a deep breath and walked up to the door.
“The elders say you may enter,” The pale woman said glaring at the couple as they opened the doors.
A deep booming voice rang out from the darkness, “Enter!”
Jacob whispered to Damian, “I can’t see!”
“Then fix it. You know we like the darkness,” Damian whispered back.
Jacob closed his eyes tight and muttered an incantation. When he opened his eyes two beams of light were cast from each of them so all could be seen.
At the farthest end of the hall, Jacob could see three thrones. The two walked toward the figures sitting in the seats.
“Do you know why you have been called into the presence of Justin, Matt, and Stephen of the High Council?” The figure on the left said. The voice sounded ancient. The boys didn’t respond.
The figure on the right slowly rose, “They do not even know who we are!” The voice was quick, sharp and young.
“They cannot know who we are!” The being in the middle’s voice was as deep as the ocean. It got off of it’s throne and floated down toward the couple, “This one’s not from here and the other is not a vampire.”
The one on the right flew toward them and hissed, “I can fix that!” It stopped in front of the two and walked back to it’s high seat laughing.
The one on the left said, “Justin, that was uncalled for. Look at them; the norm is shaking like leaves on a tree blowing in the wind.”
“Yes brother, but it was fun!” Justin said, “Stephen, come back to your seat. It is rude to stare.”
Stephen walked back to the throne in the middle, clapped his hands and thousands of candle’s flickering flames appeared upon the columns and walls of the great hall. Jacob stopped the spell on his eyes and looked to his lover. Damian was staring up at the three high vampires. Stephen had black hair, a round face, a tattoo on his wrist and a pierced eyebrow. Justin was pale, had a pierced lip and dirty blond hair. Matt was much younger than he sounded with brown hair, not a piercing and the hint of a five-o’clock shadow.
Matt slowly rose out of his chair and said, “We call you here because you two were the last to see him, according to our sources.”
“Yes, perhaps you might explain what has taken place?” Stephen said.
Jacob took Damian’s hand as the latter said, “No sir; we do not know what has taken place. Whoever has done this to my cousin must pay.”
“I agree, action must be taken against those fucking hunters,” Justin said conspicuously.
Jacob chimed in, “No!” Damian’s gaze was directed into Jacob’s eyes..
“No? Why not?” Stephen said hastily, “Do not forget you’re place, human.”
“I know my place. I do not wish to start anything.”
“It is too late,” Justin interrupted, “They started this shit, we will finish it.”
Jacob looked at the floor as Matt spoke, “Why are you fighting this so hard boy?”
“You can’t make me fucking say anything!” Jacob yelled.
Damian squeezed Jacob’s hand tighter, pulling him out of his anger.
“Tell us what you know,” Stephen said walking toward Jacob, “What you tell us will not come to hurt you.”
“I know who did it.” Jacob whispered sheepishly, tears building up in his ducts. Damian looked over at Jacob with his jaw dropped.
“Who did it my child?” Matt said standing up. Justin arose slowly awaiting Jacob’s answer.
Jacob slowly raised his head and cried, “My cousin.”
“Your cousin is a hunter?” Justin took a step down off of the dais toward the couple.
“Everyone in my family is,” Jacob said as tears poured down his face.
The three vampire lords surrounded Jacob threateningly.
“Damian?” Jacob yelled as the three vampires separated them, “Help me!”
He heard his love’s voice ring out, but couldn’t understand his rapidly fading words as he slipped into darkness.

Copyright © 2011 Wind Dancer; All Rights Reserved.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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