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  1. Never really cared for them.. I love the fruit pies..
  2. I immediately fell in love with not only the story but the characters as well..You painted a picture of two people falling in love even though they were total opposite..I look forward to reading more of your work...
  3. harcallard

    Vent #1

    There are many things which individuals do I do not understand.. why say something and make it public, I guess for those who really care, and then run away like a frightened child when someone asks you something about it.. To be honest, in the end, no one really cares one way or the other only the individuals involved.
  4. It has been over a month since I have written in my blog. In 7 weeks or less, I will be turning 45, and before any of you younger members say anything, that is not old and you will be there before you realize it. I have come to realize several things when I simply rid myself of negativity and people who seem to have it seeping out of their pores. I wish I had of learned all of this many years ago and I know my life may have been hard but it would not have been because I couldn't deal with certain issues caused by this. (1) That everyone you come across in your life will not automatically fall over heels in love with you.. They wont like you for superficial reasons as the way you look, talk, dress.. etc... or even worse they will believe what someone else says about you.. rather shallow indeed.. and this is okay because those type of people are not the ones you really need to have around you in the first place.The way I see it is.. It's their loss. After all, you really cant judge someone's true feelings or reactions by merely typing on a key board. Now, if you Skype etc.. then you can. (2) If you make a mistake or offend someone, do your best to make amends. I have tried to do exactly this. I have tried talking to them. Some have listened and other's have refused to because for whatever reason they seem to have to justify their reasons, have not listened. This is also fine as well. You simply walk away when you have done all you can do. (3) Dont get yourself involved in someone else's drama...If your not involved dont get involved.. if it isn't your business stay out of it. If people are so dishonest and are not willing to involve you or let you in, then its probably not worth knowing after all. I don't care what anyone says.. "What is done in the night will be known in the light".. Wrong is wrong no matter what anyone tells you in the disguise of confidence. (4) Get rid of unnecessary expectations of people. This will only lead to heart ache and problems down the road..Don't expect just because you do some thing for someone, that they will in return do the same for you no matter what it is.... I have learned in life that there are people who are takers and there are those who are givers. Do it because you want to do it. (5) Dont worry about what people say about you...I know people can hurt you with words, but only if you let them..you are the only one who can give your power away to them.. My favorite saying and one I have been using is "It's none of my business what you think of me." This is so true because if something is not your business, then you don't worry about it. My grandfather use to say.."When you are in your 20's you worry about what people say, when you are in your 40's you don't give a care, and when your in your 60's you realize they weren't talking about you in the first place." (6) Dont read into things or jump to conclusions.. in other words, don't let your mind run wild and think things which may not be true until you have proof to say other wise. (7) Straighten out your priorities.... generally everyone is the number one priority... then family , religion or whatever order you have yours in.. you have to take care of yourself and yours and help others when you can.. Don't expect to be #1 on someone's priorities. (8) Be yourself and not what someone else want's you to be. Be real with your self and others and do not deal with fake people. Deal only with those who tell you something to your face. For those are the one who hold any form of worth. Do not do anything you don't agree with to get to another place in life.. its not worth in in the long run. Never let anyone bring you down or allow them to be rude to you. (9) Find whatever it is in life in which you enjoy and those as well...sweep negativity out of your life and take one day at a time.. I hope the rest of my life will be more peaceful than the first half..It just takes sometime to think things through and decide what is important to you and what isn't you get rid of. I want to send out a shout to my friend Edward for taking the time to listen to me vent and bitch....there are also so many who have helped me along the way and there are so many and you know who you are and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. May everyone have a great day.
  5. I have to agree with Yettie One on this one...I am too jealous and if you stop and think about it, if you need someone else to spice up or add and element of adventure to your sex life, then there is something wrong with it in the first place. I have never understood why people are so afraid of monogamy.....
  6. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and kind words... I tend to get wrapped up in what is going on in my own world that I don't get to see that there are those who are going through the same thing I have been lately and have been doing well... I hope everyone had a great weekend.. Harc.
  7. I have come to major milestone in my life in the last couple days. Two things have helped me reach this point of realization.. (1) Always expect little or nothing from others. So there will be no disappointment. (2) When it comes right down to it, you are the only person you can depend on.
  8. There is no cure for AIDS as of yet so it is still out there. The youth of today think they are invincible, when in reality, they are not.. Someone gave me the best piece of advice I have ever gotten.. "If your going to go wading in someone's pond, make sure you have your rubber boots on...
  9. Well it has been awhile since I have been here and how soon forgotten.. I really need some advice more like a shoulder to cry on.. so if anyone has the time and would be interested please msg me...I am sorry but I really don't trust to many people for very good reasons or I would talk about it openly in the forum here. I hope everyone has a happy Friday and an even better weekend harc
  10. I have figured out with some people you cant figure them out because this and it makes no sense for you to allow them to give you their negativity...They are what they are and no matter what you or anyone else says you cant and wont change(s). It took me along time to figure this out Ryan...and it is extremely hard, but you have to take the negativity that someone is showing towards you and turn it into a positive not for them but for yourself. I have felts so much better since I have been doing this.. to bad it has cost me thousands of dollars to come to this point in my life. NEVER EVER!!!! let anyone make you feel that your worthless....you are someone special and if this person or person(s) in GA or in the world can not see this for themselves, then that is their problem and these are the people that you really do not need to associate with. Keep your head up my friend and never let anyone bring you down.
  11. I have had plenty of time to sit and try to get my head around a few things... One, I was very upset at the cliquish groups that are here.. I felt as if I were back in High School... I mean I understand that not everyone will like you and this is okay. However, When there are those who make it plain and evident this is what they are doing, then this is where I use to have a problem with. This is no longer the deal.. I could care less who doesn't want to get to know the real me... it is their loss not mine. It is easy to be upset and angry over somethings that (1) you have no control over, (2) you can not change by either throwing a fit or even by mentioning to the other person because they either they blow it off as meaningless or they just care. So the way I have learned to deal with this, is not to associate with the negativity.. I need to expel all negative people and situations from around me.. If there are groups, or individuals for whatever reason they may use to justify their behavior towards me, then that is their problem and is no longer a concern of mine. I Have also learned that if you are angry at a person(s) then inevitably, you are allowing them to take your power and control.. So from here on out, I will no longer be allowing anyone to have my power or control.. I wish I could have figured this out years ago and I could have saved a huge amount of money.
  12. Ryan I agree with most of what you said, but I would never have appligized. Wrong is wrong no matter how it is packaged.If you felt you were wrong, then you have that right to feel that way and express it.No one has the right to tell another person they cant say anything or how they are to react to something.
  13. That was a nice thing for them to do for you..and I agree its refreshing to know that there are people who care about you.
  14. I really hate this whole "Electronic Society", we have become simply because we no loner know how to talk face to face. Instead, we get on the computer or our Iphones etc.... Then there are those who hide behind the screen and think they can act anyway they can.I agree you cant read too much into what someone is writing. However, there are those who it just jumps at you automatically. I agree .. one shouldn't take anything personal. After all the are merely hiding behind a screen and nothing more. Never react because you are giving up your power to them and its not worth it in the long run.
  15. Happy belated Birthday~ Hope it was a great one.
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