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The Angry deck of Cards



I'm still having a hard time with entry titles, so I just used "The Angry deck of Cards". Boring. But then again, my life is boring, so oh well.


We had a test over the Odyssey in English class today, and there was the world's most ambiguous essay question at the end of it. However, I did quite well on it I think because I rock at bullshitting my way through everything. And bullshitting is really all that writing is; making something out of nothing.


So, the reason that a certain someone told me that it is unlikely that I'll be going to the National Science Bowl is that the person who picks the team that gets to go happens to be our oh-so-evil team captain. He and I are mortal enemies. At least, he's my mortal enemy. I don't know if he feels the same way about me. I know I would if some skinny little freshman was better at science than me. But today there were many questions about science as we are in preparation for the Regional Science Bowl (which I can go to), and I answered many of them right. There were some that stunned people. For instance: if you eliminated every second number after two, every third number after three, every fourth number after four, and so on, what numbers are you left with?


The answer is prime numbers. Technically it's a math question, but that little tidbit can be ignored.


Not much to report about the hotties in my life today. I didn't talk to any of them. I'm very sad. Hot CC guy is super-cute.


-psychic psychopath


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Hmmm, maybe it's time to start sucking up? Let's not forget the long and proud tradition this country, nay the world, has with regards to the old "butt kissing" game. Never forget the value of a plastic smile and a well-place compliment. Heck I'd say 3/4 of everyone we've ever heard of wouldn't have been someone we'd ever have heard of if they hadn't tried it a little at strategic times ;)


:P LOL ok so I am mostly being sarcastic here :P

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if you eliminated every second number after two, every third number after three, every fourth number after four, and so on


That's the Sieve of Erastosthenes.


Except, of course you don't have to eliminate every fourth number after four, since they are gone before you get there.

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That's the Sieve of Erastosthenes.


Except, of course you don't have to eliminate every fourth number after four, since they are gone before you get there.

I actually said that when people asked how I knew the answer. Well, I said sieve of someone, I couldn't remember Erastosthenes. And then I was too lazy to look it up.

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That's the Sieve of Erastosthenes.


Except, of course you don't have to eliminate every fourth number after four, since they are gone before you get there.


I actually said that when people asked how I knew the answer. Well, I said sieve of someone, I couldn't remember Erastosthenes. And then I was too lazy to look it up.


Hehe. Given that you are influencing an impressionable young mind, it should be noted that the correct spelling is without the red "s". On the other hand, slaveboy, you should have gotten off your lazy skinny butt and looked it up yourself!! :P He did other stuff too, like estimating the circumference of the earth fairly accurately.


Good job knowing the answer anyway though! More of that will be the ticket to Washington.

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Hehe. Given that you are influencing an impressionable young mind, it should be noted that the correct spelling is without the red "s".


Sorry about that. As I studied more languages throughout my education, I found more and more languages I couldn't spell in. A Greek name in English gives me a way to mess up in two languages at once.


And I'm with you in hoping that his answer makes the captain see that he is the prime candidate for the Washington team.

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