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Accident's Happen and other works

I have been asked if I am finishing Charlie or if I have just forgotten about the story. The truth is chapter 21 is done and I am working on chapter 22. I do apologize for not having 21 posted yet. My beta and my editor are currently on vacation. While both have said I should send my work to them and they will work on them, I won't do that. A vacation is just that. A break from your normal work load and I would like them to focus on what they are doing and enjoy it.

I am not sure if those who follow my work are aware of the Anthologies that are on the site. I am presently also finishing one for the Fall Anthologies, Legends. I hope some of my fellow writers who haven't posted before might take up this idea and contribute to this coming anthology. I am one of those who not only writes but loves to read. So here is hoping so many people will take a new look at things and try something new.

In the meantime, I have been having a ball with so many of the prompts that are up. Those short stories are all being posted under the title Inspired By so feel free to stop by and read them. I am not sure about everyone else on the site but I enjoy comments on the stories. I am honest when I say if you like it say so, found a problem with my work don't hide it just tell me. I prefer to try to make sure my work is the best it can be for those I share it with. Anyway, if you took the time to read all this I just wanted to thank you. I am using this as my daily ramblings and just letting people know how much I enjoy GA and the work, people, and art found on here. Till next entry, have a good one all.


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