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Featured Story: It Stays In Vegas



Some stories are so good they need no introduction. That's how I feel about this one. So with no further hullabaloo I present --




by Jack Scribe

reviewed by Renee Stevens


I have read all of Jack Scribes “Vegas” series and a couple of them I have read multiple times. The first story in the series, It Stays In Vegas, introduces many of the main characters that we see throughout the series.


When Bob Harrington takes a trip to Las Vegas to celebrate his sister’s engagement, he meets Drew Reichardt, the head concierge at Nero’s hotel. The two men hit it off and spend a memorable weekend together before Bob has to return to Los Angeles.


They aren’t separated for long, as Bob returns to interview for a job opening at Nero’s. The only problem is, the man interviewing him wants something that Bob isn’t willing to give. He turn to Drew to help him out of sticky situation he finds himself in, that could end his career before it ever even starts.


“It Stays In Vegas” follows Bob and Drew as they focus on their careers and their quickly blossoming relationship. Things are not always smooth sailing as there are issues that come up that need to be dealt with, many of them beyond their control.


While the connection between Bob and Drew develops extremely quickly, it is no less heartwarming because of it. Throughout the story, Bob and Drew meet some new and interesting people who become a part of their close circle of friends. Friends that they can count on to have their back when they find themselves up against a wall.


Jack Scribe weaved into this tale a few twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat as I waited to see what happened next. The story progresses along very nicely and there is always something happening that kept me involved and wanting to read on.


Definitely a story that I would read again, along with the other stories in the series. Each story brings in new and interesting characters as well as adding new facets to the plot as the series progresses.


On a grading system, I would probably give this story a 4.3 out of 5.


Go have a look and decide if you agree. Leave a review or two, and come back and let us know.


Happy reading, writing, and reviewing!

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Recommended Comments

I love Jack's stories! You always know you'll be well entertained. It Stays In Vegas is my second favorite series from Jack. His 'Splash' series, for me, is at the top.

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Wow Lugh. Your timing is impeccable. I just "found" Jack here. I have been reading,and of course loving,The Las Vegas Trilogy at CRV Boy. I just left Jack a pm saying how honored I was to be in such great company here. What a thrill to see him honored here as well. I have not finished the story,but I give it a 5/5. And I'm going to recommend all his work based on my first impression.


Thanks Lugh!!! And Thanks Jack!!!

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