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Featured Story: Weeping Lily



Banish those Monday blues by reading this review by Cia of Nephylim's Weeping Lily. Then for a real treat, check out Weeping Lily for yourself!


by Nephylim


Review by Cia


Do you love music? Do you love beautiful men? Do you love beautiful men who love other beautiful men?


Then Weeping Lily by Nephylim is just right for you!


This story starts off with the excitement of a Goth band just finishing up a world tour on the same day their album goes platinum and #1 on the UK charts. Everyone in Weeping Lily is riding a huge high. Ashton, the lead guitarist that just wants to play. Rik, the bass player is happy but laid back, always ready to jam with his friends no matter where they are.


Cal is versatile, to say the least. He loves the attention of being in a band and excels at playing and singing. Another party animal is Luc who plays the drums. He’s just as outgoing as Cal and they love to vie for attention. Last, but not least is Jayden. He loves the music, but could care less about the attention that comes with it.


He is the heart and soul of the band, with the voice of an angel.


But what happens when that soul is damaged? With a Goth band, that meant the music he wrote and the pain that he felt had an outlet. He was ‘The Great Jayden’. Sometimes being that popular can lead to problems.


Jayden is fan-napped and drugged. They need him, and they need him whole. But even if they find Jayden in time, can he recover from the attack and trauma? Will the band continue to play together, or will they have to call it quits? Will the man who secretly loves Jayden step forward to help save him?


This story was so dramatic and filled with tension. There is a large cast of characters, but everything focuses on Jayden. Nephylim manages to keep the reader on the edge of their seat through the entire story; she’ll sweep you along for all the highs and lows.


A lot of the struggles in this story are internal but the bonds the characters share and the dynamics between all the various characters keeps you from feeling bored. You can’t help but feel for Jayden and want to hug him. When you get to the end you will feel like you’ve seen the depths of his being and traveled his journey along with him.


The conflict pulls you in, the love is beautiful and passionate, and the characters almost leap off the page. If you want to read a story that will pull you in and keeping you reading until the very end, then read Weeping Lily. You won’t regret it!

1 Comment

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Thank you :) it was a bit of a shock to find this here, especially as I haven't been in for a couple of days. Thank you.

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