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A break at last

I think most of us get caught up in our lives from time to time. Mine has been a bit busier than I'd like and I have been unable to focus. It is something that happens to the best of us at one point or another.


For those following the odd bits and pieces of my life, Dad had his skin cancer removed last week and the doctor is happy with the way he is healing. My sister in law undergoes the biopsy on her throat cancer next Monday, after that is complete they will begin to figure out her treatment options.


I've been sort out of it and unable to focus on writing lately. So my ongoing has paused and two other projects were frozen with no real idea of when I could get back to them. The focus on my story at the moment it happened was sort of mistimed but if nothing else is pushing me to get going again.


Today for the first time in two weeks I put pen to paper and managed to write. Not a chapter, not a partial story, but a full short story from beginning to end. It feels like a miracle but now that the mental block is gone I can finally see where to take the projects that were suddenly on hold. So forgive me if I take a little bit but I promise to get my act together again. Thanks for the patience and understanding.


A special mention to my friends. I might not always be at the top of my game but I think I can honestly say that you guys are always there to keep me afloat and for that, my sincere thanks.



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Wayne, Good to hear that you had a good day, especially with the writing. We miss seeing you around here.


Hope treatment options for your father and sister-in-law work out for both of them. -Percy



Glad to see your climbing back up Unc :)

I would hate to have had to come over there and pick you up myself. :P


So happy your writing again. Try and stay up. :hug:

  • Site Administrator





That's good news really :)

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