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Contrasted living in the Big Smoke....

So, as anyone who has read my last two blogs (and a few sporadic ones before that) will know, I now live in London.


Now, as anyone who has moved from a rural idyll to the city lights will tell you, cities are a completely different beast in almost every aspect. Here are the things I love:


(1) A coffee house is never more than 5 minutes away....

(2) I can hold my boyfriend's hand and nobody cares

(3) I can kiss my boyfriend in the street and nobody cares

(4) In fairness re: (2) & (3), I could probably get away with going to work in a pink tutu and a tiara and nobody would care. This is not an experiment I'm planning on trying

(5) I can sample food of almost every nationality, because every country has a community here

(6) If you want to see beautiful architecture, go to almost any street in the capital, and look upwards

(7) Turning a corner can lead to a wondrous surprise.... from a famous building just sitting there, to a special cake shop or delicatessen...

(8) There is a tremendous amount to do here every week and weekend....

(9) ... and a massive amount of it is for free

(10) I'm anonymous, I like it that way, and so does everyone else


There are things I hate too.... If you smile at someone on the tube, you are likely to be given the finger (actually, in my case, some girl whispered to her companion "do you think he's one of those retards")....


But in the main, the city... a 24 hour beast, faster paced than a village, is a much better place to live....


By the way - I hope nobody thinks these posts boastful.... I promise you, I will still talk about challenges I'm facing.... nothing is all rosy.... but sometimes life seems to deal the right hand. Its just that to get there, you have to go through a few bad deals....

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(10) I'm anonymous, I like it that way, and so does everyone else


~ Westie




On the late afternoon streets, everyone hurries along, going about their own business.


Who is the person walking in front of you on the rain-drenched sidewalk?


He is covered with an umbrella, and all you can see is a dark coat and the shoes striking the puddles.


And yet this person is the hero of his own life story.


He is the love of someone’s life.


And what he can do may change the world.


Imagine being him for a moment.


And then continue on your own way.


~ Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Insipiration

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I'm jealous.

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I'm jealous.



LOL. Chattanooga is not London.

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Absolutely not. The only thing open at night is Walmart, here. -__-

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London is one of the worlds great cities. Wish I could pop over for a pint and try my hand at soccer hooliganism. :lmao:

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Zachary McGinness


Is it always raining in London owing to the air pollution and hygroscopic nuclei? I got a friend there and all she ever did complain about was the rain. Almost everyday without fail she'd gripe that she had things to do and it was raining.

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Is it always raining in London owing to the air pollution and hygroscopic nuclei? I got a friend there and all she ever did complain about was the rain. Almost everyday without fail she'd gripe that she had things to do and it was raining.


Its a common misconception. I mean - look at the Olympics, which had pretty good weather throughout. Actually one of the more startling comparisons is that London has the same annual rainfall as Cape Town in South Africa, as an example.


What IS true is that the British make a national sport out of complaining about the weather. And this rubs off on those foreigners who move here too. I think this helps to skew perception a little.



I've visited London several times and never saw a rainy day...or any fog. Can't say the same for Dundee.


Americans complain about the weather a lot too. I think it's our British heritage (cultural, not genetic).




Its a common misconception. I mean - look at the Olympics, which had pretty good weather throughout. Actually one of the more startling comparisons is that London has the same annual rainfall as Cape Town in South Africa, as an example.


What IS true is that the British make a national sport out of complaining about the weather. And this rubs off on those foreigners who move here too. I think this helps to skew perception a little.


It doesn't rain much in London, but it drizzles a lot. When I lived there it's the absence of sunshine, rather than rain itself, that I had difficulties with.



I love living in London for many of the same reasons.


Yeah, the weather can be crappy most of the year, but our summers (whilst brief) can be excruciating.  This year we had over 30C temp and had days when we had over 80% humidity.




I've visited London several times and never saw a rainy day...or any fog. Can't say the same for Dundee.


Yeah Mike, that's very true.  I remember summer in Scotland, it was a Tuesday :lol:

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