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Happy Mother's Day

Yettie One



So it is Mother's Day here in the UK today.


Ya know, every year we go through the motions, and say our thanks, but it takes time to understand what someone really is to us, and over time, we learn what it took to bring us up to who we are today.


I am so damn lucky that I was really close to my folks. Not everyone got to enjoy the experience I have had, and that is a sad state of affairs. We are all different and have been through our different circumstances, it are these that make us who we are. I have learnt much in my time speaking and talking to others who had different life experiences.


I am greatful for the family life I had, and right now, still lucky enough to be able to spend cherished time with my mom, so today I get to tell her how very much I love her.


I chose to use words on paper today, and hope it is ok to share this with you.



My mom is a special kind of woman.

She’s very unassuming, humble and meek

She’s everything you expect in a shining example.


Patient, she’s had all the time I ever needed.

Diligent, I’ve never had to go without clean clothes

Dinner on the table, a clean room, a friendly smile.


She’s faithful, always there when the chips are down.

Loyal, she’d step into the ring for her kids if she had too

When it came to family my mom knew we were her’s.


Love without conditions, encouragement to be all we could.

Never left alone, never forgotten to fend for ourselves

When it came down to it, we knew we could always turn to mom.


She does not understand our appreciation and adoration.

She sees herself as just a normal woman; simply a mom as required

Yet as I have grown, I’ve learnt not every mom was so great.


Mom would go without to make sure I had.

She would walk miles to be there when I performed at school

To see her look proud of me only made me proud to be her son.


In my selfish moments, she never turned against me.

When I was wrong and did terrible things, I never feared losing her love

She forgave seventy times seven, and a lot more beyond that.


Never a birthday forgotten, never a day without a kind word.

Christmas as a child meant Santa’s gift never failed to appear under the tree

Yet truth be known, it was her that sort to hear the squeal of an excited child.


Nights when I was ill, sat on my bed with a cloth to mop my brow.

At my bedside through weeks spent in painful recovery in hospital

I never knew till now how much she was there for me in every way.


How can I not appreciate, cherish and love her dearly?

Who would not look at a mother so committed to her children’s joy

And not see a special woman, a perfect example of what a mom really is?


Words are simply not adequate to say thank you.

No measure of action I can take could ever truly express my gratitude

Nothing I say will ever been seen through her eyes, in the way I see it.


So I can only simply say, it is well; your job is done.

You are my mother, a woman I am so immensely proud to know

You are the mom I was blessed to be born too, the mom I love.


Always I will know these things, and though you might not understand.

You should know, your sacrifice, your love, your effort, your hard work

Will never be forgotten, it will never be lost.


Happy Mothers Day.


To all you special woman out there, mothers that might understand these words I share, a very happy Mother's Day to you today. May you feel loved and very special as you are.



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Let me, answer with a little story here: Once there was a rich businessman in ancient Varanasi(one of the holy cities of Hindus). He loved his mother dearly and looked after her quite well. Then inadvertently, a time came when she passed away due to old age. Being consumed with grief he mourned for days. Then, after her final rites he decided to commemorate his wonderful mother by erecting a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, in her memory. Thus, on the river bed amongst the numerous ghats, he constructed a beautiful Shiv-temple in her honour. Carved out of the finest marble and adorned with many ornamentation, the temple was finally complete after many years toil and high expenses. Then, came the time to dedicate the temple to Lord Shiva. At the end of the dedication ceremony, the son prayed to the gods for his mother's eternal residence in the heavens and concluded the prayer with a touching eulogy of the very many kindness the woman had shown to him all her life. Then, he said,"Indeed you have given me much and it is my duty to pay you back. So, with this elaborate temple that I have erected in your honour, I heretofore repay all my debts to you, o' mother!" And as soon as the words were out, the perfectly constructed temple, which had been carefully erected over many years after much planning and deliberation, became tilted at one side. What was perfect, had now become flawed, unsuitable for consecration. And suddenly there was the thunderous voice of the gods from the sky which proclaimed,"Imbecile! You could construct millions of such temples, yet could never repay a mother's kindness. Only for your deceased mother's fervent plea, we accept this imperfect offering and grant your heart's desire." To this day, the temple stands as a testimony to the greatness of one's mother, her complete surrender and divine love for her children. It shows, one can never truly fathom the depth of a mother's heart and celebrate her love accordingly.

My salute to all the mothers in this world including my own, whom Yettie has embodied unknowingly yet so accurately in his poem.

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Thats really lovely Yettie. My Mom has always been my rock. I just didnt realize til the last few years. Mom's are the most  remarkable and wonderful people .Thanks for that poem.

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My mother was my answer when I had no answers, my friend when my friends turned on me, my love when I felt unloved, my words of wisdom when I was at a loss, and my strength when my spirit weakened and I felt I could not go on.


Happy Mother's Day to all mothers in the UK. May you be as honored as Rob has honored his mom with these beautiful words.


Beautiful Rob. Hugs

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Very nice poem you wrote dedicated to your mother.  :)  My mom always look out for me, much like yours.  Laugh with me and cry with me.  I think you'll make your mom laugh with tears with this poem, though I kind of think she may not think her job is done!  :)

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