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The First



It's 1:10 am. The television is on with ladies' semifinals (Radwanska's grunts can be heard) while i flip through old magazines looking for good pictures that i will eventually cut out. I'm getting better at it. My friend went to Europe for the winter break and he left me a paper-cutting-blade thing. I can now cut pages with at most two small rips at the borders. Clearly I'm moving up. And now i turn to my laptop to type this entry.


It's my first. I've never done a blog before. I've only just signed onto tumblr the other day but i am yet to make a post on there. I think it's a good way to wind down, to practise my communication, and so i can revisit my mind at later stages (mainly to see how much of a doofus i was). I was told by dad to keep a diary but i'm quite skeptical of how i could keep that up. Hence i come to this format. Plus, the novelty of the public domain reading my words is exciting for now. I remember sitting around with friends discussing other people's tumblrs; the hilarious ones, the pathetic ones, the stylish ones, the angry ones. It's sort of interesting how people will perceive me. Even if no one ends up reading much of it, i guess that in itself is somewhat a perception of me. I look forward to it.


So, yes, this is my first post.


Try to let me off for grammar. I'm not great at it : (





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So this is the first reply to your first blog :great:


Yeah, the grunting females - one reason I only watch the guys play :P There may be other reasons too, of course ... :whistle:


As for grammar, I think you're generally pretty safe in the blogs from sniper attacks :lol:



are you making a wall collage out of your clippings ?



Thanks Zombie my man, the first commenter is a timelessly coveted position and i'm glad it's you : )


I already have a wall collage, Sam.  There's one on my wall where a guy is kissing a girl and it says 'tom wears jeans LEVIS' when the stitching on the butt area clearly shows that he is wearing nudie jeans. What is wrong with this world, hey : s

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As for grammar, I think you're generally pretty safe in the blogs from sniper attacks :lol:


LOL the same cannot be said if you decide to start posting stories. The grammar police are out there.  I have even heard them referred to as grammar nazi's!

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