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A Moment of Thanks

I think it is important every now and then to take a moment and think about the various good things that are happening, especially when so many things are going wrong.


Right now I have friends who are watching loved ones dying, facing cancer, or just surgery for various health reasons. They have faced other issues with their health and family, yet they find the strength daily to keep getting up, facing the world, and moving forward. No one said it was easy, or that it wouldn't be painful, but they do it. Luckily for them, they have the support of friends, family, and some have the support of friends they have made here on the site.


I've had my share of troubles this year. I can't complain though. I have had a number of blessings come my way as well. For every back pain, broken heart, and other issue, I've had friends to stand by me, think of me, send me cards and a cookbook. I've been promoted to Hosted here on the site and I still get to drive everyone nuts with my prompts weekly.


I even get to pick the brains of the entire site when I announced my love of smurfs. (Thank you again. In less than three days I managed to get 11 of the 16 due to the advice given to me.)


So even when things go wrong and you feel out of it, remember to look for the people and things that make you smile and help to ease your day to day life. A little thank you now and then can go a long way to making everyone have a better day.

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You''ve certainly made my day, many times!  Hugs:)






:hug: :hug:

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