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Writing? Well a bit

My life in the past two years has been sort of a roller coaster ride. One moment there is a clear road ahead, the next there are so many problems I think dynamite couldn't solve it.


Anyway things have slowed down in the issue department, at least momentarily. I presently have one story that I began to post, Last Christmas. I also have managed to do a prompt a week so far this year and am grateful that something is getting out.


Tonight I finished a story that I have had off and on since October, called Mrs. Benson. I am hoping to find a team for that, which would allow me to post that story once Last Christmas is done. I am also nearly done with the Spring Anthology story and Bill W and Louis have already agreed to do the beta and edit on it.


Then I finally am getting back to Seeon. I have been overhauling the story for the last year. It is one of those tales that went up, I got good press on, then was told it was similar to someone else's work, so I took it down. I don't like comparisons that way so went in and added, and been revising the whole thing. Hopefully when I go to put up the new one it will something people can still enjoy, but will no longer be told it is like someone else's work.


Ah, then there is my other stubborn child, Jonas. That little son of gun just refuses to let me finish him, but going to give it another try.


Just wanted people to know that while I might have been just getting out Anthologies, it doesn't mean I haven't been trying to write, even if life was getting in the way. Hopefully this year there will be enough new stuff to get those who still follow me excited. Thanks for understanding.



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Busy boy! :P It's great that you are getting so much done.  I can't wait to get reading on all your new stuff :)




Ah, then there is my other stubborn child, Jonas. That little son of gun just refuses to let me finish him,

No hurry, sometime he will let you :) We, your fans, can re-read your other stories in the meantime :D

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