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Co-worker learned an important lesson

So I am part of team where it is 75% female and over 50% has tenure on the team. It can be a tough group.


One thing I want to make clear is I don't care that it is a heavy female group just giving our dynamics.


I joined the team 7 months ago and have been making a great contribution to our team. I have been recognized at a regional level for my work too. My bosses love me and many of teammates do too.


There are 2 that absolutely do not like me and are troublemakers. Many times they have tired to seriously get me in trouble there was evidence to support either what I did was approved by management or wasn't what the situation seemed to them.


We have an email queue where we answer emails from customer and the sales teams in the Great Plains region. It's a first in first out box. No exceptions unless escalated by management. We are also not supposed to go in and "cherry pick" easy request.


That being said.... I am going to call this teammate of mine Double W. She and another co-work have the same first name.... so they are referred to as their first name and last initial.


So our request occasionally route wrong and they have to be fixed. One morning I decided to flip about 15 or so request so they would route. While working requests I started getting tons of emails pop in while one was open. Which shouldn't happen. I looked at the request and asked Double W to stop and explained what I had done. I messaged my boss as Double W and I have the same supervisor. Apparently at that same moment she was over telling our supervisor and manager that I was cherry picking. My supervisor saw my message and look at the request really quick and told Double W and the Manager I was flipping status's as she could see that in the log. That was months ago and I stopped doing it and alert my boss when there is a back log and she does it.


That being said. This past Friday our team management was out and most of our Plymouth, Minnesota office was out so we had to cover more of the request. I was talking to Double S in Plymouth and we noticed that Double W had looked at every single request we were working. Which was strange. I talked to the teammate in charge Grover and asked if Double W should be looking at the request and was told no. So after what I was accused of I couldn't let it go because its a serious offense on our team. I decided to look in Double W box and compared it to our inbox and low and behold she worked request that should not have processed yet based on the time frame of being received. I took a screen shot of our box and hers and sent them to our manager and supervisor and told them I thought it was strange that Double W had been in all our email requests.


Fast forward to 3 this afternoon. Double S messages me that the manager just came and got Double W and told her they had to talk. She was gone for 45 minutes and was pissed as hell when she came back. We have a feeling that she got reamed by the manager over what happened. It was also semi confirmed when tons of people in the same office told me that Double W got slapped with Cherry picking and our manager was going to monitor her for the next 90 days.


Well she probably will figure out it was me but I make sure to cross all my T's and dot my I's on our emails.


Her lesson of the day: Those in glass houses should not cast stones. They should also be weary of who they are casting stones at as they maybe holding a boulder.


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