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Some of the World's Greatest AIDS researchers....Gone



Malaysian Flight 17 has gone from human tragedy to something I can't put into words with this revelation.




Yesterday, I thought this was a human tragedy.


Today, I imagine not only those who have died on that plane, but the millions of people around the world, who may die, because such great minds were lost. There are many in the gay community, who are positive, so it is relevant to ponder what was lost to our community as an effect of this event.


I am going to keep my blog short out of respect for an additional loss to our community.

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I also saw this.  It is so sad and horrendous.  Not only for the Aids researchers, but for all involved.  Sad,sad thing.

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I don't think of it that way.


What if this paved the way for some underdog researcher who was underfunded to come thru and actually find the cure whereas he wouldn't have if this didn't happen? sequence of events is pretty uncertain in life in any and all kinds of situations daaaaillllyyy. juss sayin

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Yang has a point.  Despite the horrific loss of life, you have to believe that other brilliant minds will pick up the torch for this and other causes.


I think that Yang should change his name to "juss sayin".

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One lady lost here brother and sister-in-law on Malaysia 370, and now her step-daughter on Malaysia 17. Talk about freakish and shitty luck. 

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I don't think of it that way. What if this paved the way for some underdog researcher who was underfunded to come thru and actually find the cure whereas he wouldn't have if this didn't happen? sequence of events is pretty uncertain in life in any and all kinds of situations daaaaillllyyy. juss sayin

I get that, I am just a pessimist.


Some people live life happily, but some like me see storms on every horizon.

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