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Just an update

Sorry but lately it seems I do a lot of apologizing and explaining, if not just ranting and raving. Such is my life lately.


Just wanted to note a few things before everyone wonders what is going on.


First up is Jonas. No I haven't forgotten him. I am still writing, although I don't think I have ever thrown out so many copies of a chapter never being quite content with what I have written. For something I had hoped to have finished by now I am getting really picky about how it is going. I am still going on and both my beta and editor ask about it.


Second my beta work. I do apologize to both people I have been beta working for. I will explain part of my lack of progress on your work and my own in a moment.


Third my health. Okay here is the deal. I have been really tired lately and not sure why. I went for my yearly physical last week and suddenly I seemed to find a new specialty doctor to see and have half the pills I am on changed. Seems my blood pressure is through the roof. I have had to wear a heart monitor and gone for a stress test. All the results aren't back but you can bet my nerves are shot. I have blood work and more tests scheduled so my ability to focus is way off.


Finally is my job. I have reached the end of my rope there. I have been applying for work in dozens of places. I hit the cap that my job has for my job role and haven't seen a raise in three years. I have gone for more interviews for jobs all over that ended with the interviewer telling me I was great, but I am over qualified for the job. Over qualified? The job pays more than I am making and I am willing to take it. Who cares about over qualified. To make matters worse I have applied for a job in my own store and told I didn't have enough knowledge for a job I used to hold before I had to move down to Long Island to help look after my father. The job went to someone who has never done the job before. To make it clear I need a new job my review was done and I was basically told while I know the job cold, do good work, I need more time in it and I am capped so no raise for year four. I'm worn out and looks like things just aren't getting any easier. To add insult to injury I found out after I didn't get my raise I will be training a new hire who used to be my student from when I was teaching. Yes, fate is having fun laughing and smacking me around lately.


So just forgive me if things are taking five times or longer to get anything accomplished.


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I think you need a really big hug. I totally understand you since the same thing is happening to me, i'm either overqualified or well, I dunno, i've been told if I had such qualifications why I am still working in a shitty place, chances are the famous prestigious places never gave me a chance cos there's always a freshly graduated relative who needs that position.

I'd better not rant in your rant post. Anyway, I hope you feel better and get the job you want. HUGS

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Over qualified is a cop out that really means "I have a nephew who needs a job"!


Hang in there Wayne - you have friends like us who will always listen when you need to vent!

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Bill W


Wayne, hang in there.  I've been there and heard the over qualified crap too.  Even left a bunch of things off my resume after that to compensate, but it didn't help either.  I wish you the best and wish I could do more to help. 

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