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A Year Later and 29th Birthday

It's been a weird couple of days. I turned 29 yesterday, and on November 29th, I commemorated the 1st year anniversary of my close friend Steve's death. Basically, I drove over to where Steve's old dorm where he was an R.A. and I spent a shit ton of time with him, and I got out a small candle and the prayer card that I got from Steve's memorial. It was actually kind of funny- I cried on my way there, but when I actually got to the dorm, I was pretty calm.


I didn't really do much for my birthday- no birthday cake, no cards, no party. I did get some well-wishes, and I'm expecting that I'll get my birthday gifts for Christmas. I'll do something with one of my friends when he gets some free time- he said he owes me a night getting drunk once he's done with family time.


Part of me wanted to do big stuff, but the other part of me was pretty content with what I did do- make a steak, then go over to my old college hangout bar to have an Angry Orchard and then listen to a good cover band. I also saw a stage play of It's A Wonderful Life at the local community theater, which was fun. Basically, it was set up like a 1940's radio station doing a radio broadcast of It's A Wonderful Life, with the actors voicing different characters. It definitely lifted my spirits, considering that I'm stuck in this soul-crushing retail stock boy job that I absolutely hate and can't wait to be let go from.


I miss being excited for birthdays, but I kept thinking about how this is another birthday Steve won't get to celebrate. He missed his 28th birthday, and he'll miss his 29th. I think it's a combo of really hating this retail job and missing Steve that kept me from bouncing up and down for it.


I'm grateful I had this birthday, for sure. It was just a pretty quiet one.


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