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The Future... Starting From The Inside.

We need to reestablish the family. We need to put it once again in the center of our hearts. We need to prioritize the bonds that link us, prioritize the hugs that bring us together, prioritize the tenderness that makes us love each other, prioritize compassion against an impersonal world that negotiates everything, that corrupts everything.
I’m willing to compromise, that’s why today I told my parents about that part of me that has been hiding for so long. We need to start the change in society at our homes. Small people at small places doing small things can create something big, and that’s us. Things are changing, everywhere, is it for good? We need to take part in those changes, move the world to where we want it to go. We’ve already broken down tons of barriers, now we need to build. And not just us LGBT people. Everybody, do we give a shit about where we’re going? I think we do.

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You brave soul.  Now you can go for the guy of your dream.  :)

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Thanks Ashi! I certainly will... when the time is right, that is.

James Bond007


Agus! This shows you in a wonderful way :)

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Emi GS


Hope I have got the courage You do... :(


But I am happy for You... Hope you will happy with this change in your life... :)

Emi GS


Hope I have got the courage You do... :(


But I am happy for You... Hope you will be happy with this change in your life... :)

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Thanks! Don't worry, it depends on every situation. It'll happen in it's own time. If you asked me a few year ago I would've never thought this was happening.

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