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Happy Yet Sad


Feelings. Both happy and sad. They lay beside each other with a thin gap, needle like. Some are happy for some thing and they cry for being happy, called happy tears. Some are sad and again cry here too, called various names. Breaking apart, grieving or just tears.


Happy and sad, both has different roles in someone's life in various situations. Or in every situation. Ever heard about both being in one. Blended. They call it 'Bittersweet'. You are happy yet sad. Or sad yet happy. Different reasons. Different perceptions. Different take-ons. Different results. Varies from one to another. But same yet different.




My current state of mind.

Or my mood.

I am happy because of the new world, new family I had created here and living along with it. Here I have reasons to be happy. The Care. The Love. Everything. Its true. Some real world. Real world, is it??? Or just the thin air/space making us unite.


I am sad because, once I am off of this airy world, reality hits me hard. I have to bare that all the hurt. All the pain. All the failure. They love me for sure, but never played the good role in showing it to me. I just gotta go along with it. Silently.



If it wasn't for you guys, its just another Sunday in my Life.

Nothing Special at all.

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