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Pet Peeves



One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone mispronounces the word supposedly. More often than not, people add a "b" towards the end. Supposably is not a word. Even seeing it typed incorrectly is bothering me right now.

Something else that is bothersome to me is when people use the word nauseous when they really mean nauseated. To be nauseated means to feel queasy, feel like you might vomit. To be nauseous is to be emitting a foul smell that would make someone else nauseated. So, if someone says they are nauseous, they're admitting that they stink. If they feel ill, they would be nauseated.

Another one is the misuse of the words then and than. Then is used when describing sequential events: A. happened then B happened. Than is used to compare/contrast things: A is better than B. 

Finally, and I realize this is totally personal preference here, I can't stand the word "moist." I won't even buy a Duncan Hines cake mix because the box has that word written on it. 

Do y'all have any grammar pet peeves?

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Capital vs Capitol

Principal vs Principle

Cubicle vs Cubical


The last one drove me nuts recently while reading a story here on GA. The author used the two words back and forth although they should have all been cubicle. What happened to reading over things before sharing them with readers?


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I seem to be reading stories about people who eat deserts ... :huh: and who also wear cloths ... *Sigh*

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5 minutes ago, Kitt said:

I think the one that bothers me the most is your/you're.  "Your going to work" or "you're mom is pretty" just drives me bonkers.


Anyone I edit for knows I have a list of approximately an hundred words/pairs of words I search every chapter to make sure they don't slip into print. Unfortunately they can be like the site bugs lately and manage to worm their way past once in a while. That's another one bothers me, when something is "over their" unless it is over their heads!

I can't believe I forgot about your/you're...but every time I'm reading and a character says they're nauseous I think to myself atleast they know they stink.

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Another one that irks me is something my dad says. Granted he was born and raised in southeast Texas in a small town named Port Neches, but he has a college education and should know that there is no such word as borned.

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18 minutes ago, JayT said:

Another one that irks me is something my dad says. Granted he was born and raised in southeast Texas in a small town named Port Neches, but he has a college education and should know that there is no such word as borned.


19 minutes ago, JayT said:

Another one that irks me is something my dad says. Granted he was born and raised in southeast Texas in a small town named Port Neches, but he has a college education and should know that there is no such word as borned.

LOL! The biggest annoyance for me... May I ax you a question? Ax, Are you for real???

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lose and loose ... argh. 


And i quite often (knowing the difference) type  your and you're incorrectly.. and have to go back and edit it.  However I type for living and then for fun after work, so I give myself a break because I'm brain dead, LOL. 

Edited by Mikiesboy
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2 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

lose and loose ... argh. 

I know another one of yours tim.....all right vs. alright

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5 minutes ago, JayT said:

I know another one of yours tim.....all right vs. alright

Hmmmm yessss   i wonder why ... LOL


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Just now, Mikiesboy said:

Hmmmm yessss   i wonder why ... LOL


hehehe.....cuz you're my bubba and I love you soooooooo much that I have to annoy you!!!!! or something like that lol

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:) you're a loon that's for sure, hehe


Oh and you and your moist issues remind me of a fav TV show....Miranda .. she loves the word Moist.. said in a posh English accent. m-oy-st   LOL

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I have sadly seen this mistake way too many times: accept/except. :facepalm: How on earth can anyone confuse those two words!


FYI: If you want to avoid a grammatically-incorrect-cesspool, then don't visit Wattpad. :no: 

Edited by Drew Espinosa
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I confuse some of the above mentioned, then and than is particularly sneaky in that regard. But affect and effect? Past and passed?


Lol, wattpad indeed, if you want to read 'multiple' a houndred times in 20 pages, half of it for 2 things.

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@glitteryantlers oh yes, past and  passed .. they are two beauties!!  Affect is a verb and effect is a noun, well most of the time. But as with most rules in English, that can change.  

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50 minutes ago, Jeugie said:

Mine is irregardless - it's regardless for goodness sake! What really annoys me is that because people kept using it - the word has now been added to the dictionary. So because people are illiterate - we now add incorrect words to the dictionary. Sad, really sad.

since nauseous has been so misused for so long nauseous now has the definition that should be for nauseateed..

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3 hours ago, JayT said:

since nauseous has been so misused for so long nauseous now has the definition that should be for nauseateed..

Yeah, it's here to stay, Jay. Even doctors and medical people use it... the fact is language evolves... just like we supposedly do (or is that supposably hehe). I hate 'ax' for 'ask' too, but it looks like it's here to stay as well <shudder>. Social media has sped up a lot of changes that would normally have taken decades or even centuries. Z replaces S in a lot of words now, and extra L's are dropped. Hyphens appear and disappear at random... sometimes, for a writer, it becomes a judgement call. I always supplement what I used to 'know' with research, and then I make my choice. Some will think it correct, and some will think it wrong, and that's just the way it is. :) 

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14 minutes ago, Drew Espinosa said:

In my opinion, English isn't evolving, it's devolving! :P



That's because everything is a status update, like, or text now. Younger generation doesn't write by hand. When they write... auto-correct is correcting them... Sad actually!

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16 minutes ago, BlindAmbition said:

That's because everything is a status update, like, or text now. Younger generation doesn't write by hand. When they write... auto-correct is correcting them... Sad actually!

I hate auto-correct.  Yesterday, i was trying to write 'puter (yes, I know ) but I was trying to text standing on the bus. In any case auto correct kept 'fixing' it... grrrrr!!

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2 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

I hate auto-correct.  Yesterday, i was trying to write 'puter (yes, I know ) but I was trying to text standing on the bus. In any case auto correct kept 'fixing' it... grrrrr!!

LMAO! It never works for me either! Thanks for the follow! I'm honored to be followed by the author of Pretty Pink!

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10 minutes ago, BlindAmbition said:

LMAO! It never works for me either! Thanks for the follow! I'm honored to be followed by the author of Pretty Pink!

You read my fairy tale? Brave man. And no thanks needed, I like interesting people. 

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