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College Weeks 9 & 10

HOWDY Y'ALL! Long time, no see! :hug: It's time for another College Week, or two in this case, lol. And guys, I'm more than half way through the semester, wohoo, I've survived so far! :D 


For now anyways. :P 


Well, let's get to it!


PHYS 2425: Last week, we learned about pendulums and oscillations. And I'm surprised at how quickly it clicked with me. Usually it takes me a while to get comfortable with the concepts from my professor's lectures. Anyways, we learned about both simple and physical pendulums, and undamped, damped, and forced oscillations.  This week, we finished up the lectures on oscillations and moved on to waves. This was an incredibly fascinating topic, we learned about the motion of a wave, its energy, how it interacts in different mediums (i.e. water vs. air), and how to create wave equations. Speaking of, when my teacher got to wave equations, he showed us how to use partial differentiation to figure out its speed and acceleration. On that calculus related note...

MATH 2414: Before Break, my teacher introduced partial fractions briefly. Well, after we got back from Break, we dove right in, and I love it! You see, fractions can be difficult to integrate. When a fraction is in the form du/u (where the numerator is the derivative of the denominator) then you can integrate easily, but if it's not then you have to get creative. And that's where partial fractions come in, this method basically splits a difficult fraction into simpler fractions that can be integrated easily. And all I can say is it's a really fun process, although many of you wouldn't understand... you'd have to be a math nerd like me. :P So what about this week? Well, we reviewed integration by parts, trig integrals, and partial fractions, because my class will be taking an exam on those topics next week. That reminds me, my teacher finally returned our first exams, and I got an A+! :D 

ENGR 1201: Well, this week, I volunteered to help out at a local Robotics Tournament for kids,  and I'll be one of the judges. I've never judged something like this before, but I know I'll receive a quick orientation before the tournament begins. So, why am I mentioning this here? Well, it was my College's Engineering Club that alerted me to this tournament, and my Engineering teacher okayed it as an assignment for her students. Anyways, I'm looking forward to it!


That's not all!

Reflections on College Life: I decided to write this after Finals, that way I have the previous four months to look back on. :) 


Civic Duty: In 2013, I turned 18, and therefore became eligible to vote. The first election I could have participated in, was the 2014 Midterm, but I didn't due to general apathy. This time was different, yesterday, I cast my first vote in a Midterm Election!


Okay, that's as far as I'll get into politics in this post.


So, those were my last two weeks. Now, I need to get back to studying. 

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Page Scrawler


Congrats, Drew!  :hug: Glad you seem to be enjoying yourself!  :D

But what about outside the classroom? See any cute guys?  :)



Congratulations on the A+ !


Now they've told you about partial differentiation they'll be able to define Poisson Brackets and life will get even more exciting :-)

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