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July's CSR Feature: Stories Written on Lined Paper by Drew Payne



How is July treating you? Sweltering in a swimsuit or swimming in wool to stay warm depending on your hemisphere? We've passed the midway mark for the year but we're still in the thick of 2021. How about slowing down when you need a break and enjoying something a little different... An anthology of sorts. You can pick any of Drew Payne's "Stories Written on Lined Paper" to read (or all of them on different days) and share your thoughts on the discussion day! 

Stories Written on Lined Paper

by @Drew Payne

Length: 61,060

Description: When I first started writing I wrote in long-hand, and wrote my stories on pads of lined white paper.

I now mostly write straight onto my computer or laptop, but I still have found memories of filling up those empty white pages with my sprawling handwriting and tales of other people’s lives. So happy reading, I hope.

A Reader said: I've enjoyed all of your stories in this collection.  Your writing keeps me entertained and thoughtful.  I notice that this is number twenty and the last of this series so that means I must have missed one 'cause the last I remember is "Boxing Day."  I'll have to catch up by reading "Another One of Those Family Photographs" now but I couldn't get to that before sending you my accolades for a series well written.  Thank you! ~ James Baxter


Don't forget to come back to share your thoughts on Monday, July 26th!

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Super. i love short stories. These are well written, and leave you wanting more. Luckily there are 20 of them!

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22 minutes ago, Mikiesboy said:

Super. i love short stories. These are well written, and leave you wanting more. Luckily there are 20 of them!

Thank you for that, feedback like this keeps me writing.

At present I'm posting chapters of a long story called The World Out There, it is a dark story but that is nothing unusual for me.

I am also writing new and re-writing old short stories and I'll create a new collection on GA later this year.

GA has given me such support and feedback as a writer. This year I found the confidence to publish a collection of stories on Amazon.

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