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Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 21 - Nov. 27)



So how are you feeling? :P 

I asked one of my friends south of the border and they said fat and broke :o I guess the fat from all the food and drinks on Thursday and the broke from Black Friday sales. Not even realizing it was Black Friday on Friday 0:) I called our local  iFly location and ended up getting the Black Friday Deal. Yes, I'm getting more for my money but I'm giving them a lot more of it:gikkle:. I hope my nephews and sister enjoy their time in there for Christmas presents. I hope none of them are regular visitors to GA ;), they would be able to read about their upcoming pressies!

Shall we jump right into what happened this week at the GA Blog? :yes: 

Bright and early on Monday morning, Steve was still in bed and somehow missed getting up the Review Team's great review :(When we got it up, we decided it needed to be up Tuesday as well:

Wednesday it was time for the big reveal from Renee on the Author Guess Who? Did you have an inkling on who it was? I didn't :( Congrats to the author who stumped a lot of us :) 

Thursday marked the end of our 2021 Anthology presentations, with a wrap up and thank you to everyone involved! This is all made possible by authors, the Anthology Support Team, and a big thank you to all the readers!

So how about our goals? We have 2 days to close out the month. These numbers are looking pretty good!


Oh, I just about forgot the Word's of the Day. Now that is a good way to get in the big guys naughty list 🎅

Zeugma, Sturm und Drang, Barmecidal, Indigenous, Slapstick, Indissoluble, Superficies


Upcoming Anthology - 

Anthology 101 - In the Anthology Forum. Everything you need to know about GA Anthologies


Contests - 

Newsletter Genre Challenge - Stories Due January 30, 2022

Check out this great challenge here.


Ask an Author 3.0 - Submit a story you like and 3 questions you would like to ask the author about. Send them to @astone2292 or @Renee Stevens **Please submit so Aaron can have a  bank of stories and questions**


Blog Opportunities

Guess the Author: Open to all GA authors. PM @Renee Stevensor @wildone to participate

Story Review: Send it in to @Renee Stevens or @Timothy M. 


And here is the look at the past weeks postings on our promoted authors!

Premium Updates:

On Fire by Cia *Premium*

Classic Updates:

The Brilliant Boy Billionaire by Altimexis

Signature Updates:

Ancalagon by Cia

CDMX by Carlos Hazday

GFD: Children Of Sunset by Comicality; Book 0 of GFD: Children Of Sunset

Larkspur: A Sidewinder Tale by Headstall **Complete**

Seven Gratitudes by Parker Owens **Complete**

The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Poetry by AC Benus

The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Prose by AC Benus

Promising Updates:

Never Too Late To Believe by northie

The Cockney Canuck by Dodger


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (and Recommend with a share to the forum topic!) 

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