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CSR Discussion Day: The Connecticut River Boys by TallguyCT



Well, for once I've no interview to share with you, fellow GA readers! So I thought I'd share an excerpt from The Connecticut River Boys that I liked, and you can share your favorite line, scene, character, or any thoughts from when you read the story below. 

The Connecticut River Boys

by @Tallguyct



The happy celebration was interrupted by a sharp knocking at the front door.

When David answered the door, a burly muscular man of about forty entered without being invited in. As David looked at this delicious piece of manhood with curly red hair and azure blue eyes, he noted the tight flannel shirt covered a defined chest and displayed a mat of red fur at the open collar. His tight work pants provided a fetching outline of the man’s equipment.

“I have come to start the demolition of your kitchen so the new cabinets can be installed next week.”

Craig entered the front hall, “Who is our guest?”

David, in a frustrated voice, replied, “He is no guest. He says he came to rip out our kitchen cabinets so the new ones can be installed next week. I have no idea what he is talking about. Did you order new cabinets?”

Craig just as confused, “No. There must be a mistake. Who ordered this work? Who are you? Where did you come from?”

“I am Scott, from ABC Home Improvements. I have a work order for 121 Elm Street. Is that this address?” As Scott said this, he handed the paperwork to David.

“But we did not order this.”

“I’m sorry. I have work to do. If you have a problem call the office.” As Scott said this he picked up his tool box and walked to the kitchen.

As David trailed the bubble ass of the construction worker to the kitchen, there was another knock at the door.

Craig opened the door to a handsome, thin young man with dark hair and chocolate brown eyes. “Is this the residence of Craig Miller and David Carlson?”

When Craig replied ‘yes’, the young man stepped in. “I am Rick, representative of the Cuyahoga Tribe Casino. You have been given a gift of 500 Buffalo Chips to use at our casino. To register this gift, I need to see a driver’s license and credit card.”

Craig was bewildered. He and David had visited both Foxwood Casino operated by the Pequot Tribe and the Mohegan’s Sun Casino. These two casinos in Eastern Connecticut were two of the largest casinos in the world. He had never heard of the Cuyahoga Tribe Casino.

A totally frustrated David returned from the kitchen. Craig told him about their gift of 500 Buffalo Chips and the need to show a driver’s license and credit card.

While they attempted to tell the gentleman from the Cuyahoga Tribe that they would not give a credit card to a stranger, there was another knock.

Standing in the doorway was a cute, smiling, sailor. He introduced himself as Seaman Alexander Proctor. “I have come to accompany Craig Miller to the recruiting station. You ship out tomorrow.”

Craig was dumfounded, “Are you telling me I have enlisted in the US Navy and am shipping out tomorrow?”

“That is true, sir. Please come with me.”

“There must be some mistake. I am 65 years old.”

“Sir, I have the order to accompany you. We must leave immediately. You have received, and obviously ignored, three previous orders mailed to you. If you refuse, I will call the MA (master-at-arms / US Navy police). They will arrest you if you refuse to honor you commitment.”

David and Craig sank into chairs, their heads spinning. There were crashing sounds coming from the kitchen as the construction worker was taking everything out of the cabinets, a representative of the Cuyahoga Tribe demanding to see a credit card and now this Naval Seaman threatening to arrest Craig if he did not depart for military service at the age of 65. Meanwhile, their guests seemed amused with their plight. These were their friends and did not seem to care that their kitchen was being destroyed, someone claiming to be a tribe representative likely was committing credit card fraud and a guy from the Navy was taking Craig away. Could it get worse?

As they considered ‘could it get worse?’ there again was a knock.


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  • Site Administrator

Great excerpt!  Now I really want to know more.  I'm disappointed there's no interview, as I really look forward to reading them, but this excerpt was a good substitute.  

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