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How I discovered Can



How I discovered Can
My discovery of the Krautrock band Can was one of the more improbable bits of serendipity to fall in my lap. The improbability of a German Experimental Band's music and a Mississippi teenager crossing paths had to have been quite low.
In the 70s my family would drive into Jackson, Mississippi on weekends to shop at a big store on highway 80. It was a big, day long event not to be missed.  Just around the corner from the strip mall was Be-Bop Record Shop- a haven of rock in a sea of country & western, blue-grass and gospel.
While my parents were doing their thing, I would go to the record store where the staff would play albums. It was on one of those trips in 1975 I heard my first Can album: Tago Mago. I was intrigued by the sound and bought a copy. I got Future Days on a later trip.
None of my friends had ever heard of Can. If they listened to it, they would admit it was good. If it wasn't something popular all the kids listened to, too many of them were afraid to be different. I, on the other hand, excelled at different.
If you follow the crowd, you all end up in the same place. I dislike crowds. They're too crowded.
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