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All I ever wanted....July days

Cole Matthews



502 Ice Cream Truck Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock


Nothing stimulates the recreative juices like a getaway.  Here we are in the middle of July with a lake beckoning, the hammock swaying gently between two trees, and a grill smoking away with barbequed delights searing and sizzling.  A cold, condensed mist trickles down the side of a glass of lemonade, or an adult beverage, and a dog-eared open book splays on your lap as the birds chirp and the squirrels wrestle. 

Maybe it’s time to relax and try a new prompt!  Pull out the computer or writing pad, wipe your brow, and try these on for size.

#67 – Ice Cream Truck – From around the corner, there is the jingle-jangle song of an ice cream truck.  The white vehicle is festooned with pictures of various, colorful chilly delectables.  It comes to a stop in front of your house.  You approach, excited to get a delicious treat.  You order, hand over your money, and the ice cream man hands you something.  It’s cold, but it’s not edible.  What is it and what does it do to you?

#68 – The Lifeguard – You go to the beach and see a figure sitting atop a tall chair watching swimmers.  The person looks vaguely familiar, and then they look down at you.  Who is it and what happens next?

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Nothing stimulates the recreative juices like a getaway. 

Very true!  I just returned from a nice vacation and was able to solidify the idea I have for my anthology story.  I like both of these prompts, too.  

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