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sophomoric - Word of the Day - Fri Sep 2, 2022




sophomoric - (adj) - 1: conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature; 2: of, relating to, or characteristic of a sophomore

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Jeff Bezos has set fire to a billion dollars by choosing sophomoric writers and producers more interested in pushing a message than telling an entertaining story with the dumpster fire that is Lard of the Rangs: The Rangs of Boredom.


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Now, now, Myr. Careful or Jeff will have Amazon screw up future deliveries. :P

I'm glad I had no intention of watching; I didn't like any of the movies either.

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Speaking as a long time Tolkien aficionado, what Lex Luther Bezos actually did was akin to sacrilege.

Edited by JamesSavik
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Aye Amazon should never have gotten into LotR, I'll stick to House of the Dragons for my fantasy fix at least until they ruin it with an incoherent plot for the last season (RIP Game of Thrones, you were the best show ever until your TV show got ahead of your books)

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