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Been a couple weeks

Yesterday I realized again just how much I love Silven. Just the thought that it might not be until December that I see him had me upset...


I suppose in a way its a good thing that I'd get upset at the idea of not seeing him sooner...


Anyway... I was pretty annoyed with myself last night, I got home too late to talk to him, he'd already gone to work. And now this morning my Internet connection was cut off, so I couldn't get on until seven... I guess he's asleep now... hopefully sleeping peacefully and not worried about me.


Last night was pretty hard... I thought it was just extra energy from what I ate, but it wasn't that. I missed Silven and even though I couldn't have really done anything different I was still annoyed at myself for not getting home in time. I tried working out... tired out my muscles but not my mind. Within fifteen minutes of returning to livechat I was at it again.... ended up installing and playing (read: doing a lot of losing) chessmasters...


Well, I woke up this morning, found my internet connection broken, couldn't fix it becuase the router's in my dad's office, which is in his room and waking him up to get on the internet is not something he'd take too well. Went for a quick run, got back to find him awake and reset the router... but Silven's not on...


Think I'll go eat breakfast now...


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