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I'm sorry for what's happening to your puppy. :hug:


I hope things eventually get better for you and your family. Try not to go overboard with JD (I've been asked by two junior members who JD was..and I'm assuming that it's Jack Daniel's and not a new BF).


Take Care,





:hug: Dunno how I take it If I had to put down my dog,
Guest Kitty


I've been there, several times, and it's a hard thing to do. They've always given me the pet back so I can bury it, though. Have you tried another vet?



I'm really sorry to hear that, Dom ... although I'm sure hearing that doesn't help much, if at all. Just remember that even though this may not be the 'real world,' there are still people out there who care about you, beyond just what you write, so keep that in mind when you're feeling down. :hug:






P.S.- And feel free to whine, cry, complain, or whatever ... you have every right to!



When my cat of 17 years had kidney failure in 2002, I was heartbroken. He was great- he pratically raised me and had me very well trained.


The vets told me that it needed to be soon on a Friday and I spent one last weekend with him. I think that he knew that his time was near. He sat in my lap the whole weekend.


The vet gave me the option- cremation or have the body to take home.


I took him home and buried him in his favorite sunny spot in the garden.


I have never forgotten that cat. He was old and wise- far more so than me. He ate when he felt like it, slept when he felt like and didn't worry about a damned thing.


If I could learn that trick, I would be a lot better off.

Tim the Traveller


I've heard that inner city vets have no option anymore. Go to a vet that is a little bit out of town and they are cheaper and will let you have the body back. O and :hug: I know it's hard but it gets too hard to see them suffer too.



You know we'll all be here waiting whenever you have time for us again. :hug:









All authors need to recharge the level of angst to let it out in our stories...hope you've recharged on the angst and don't get any more though!



I am sorry to hear about your loses. I cared for my dad for his last few months. Changing his diapers and my grandsons one after the other. But good times in a weird way. I probably got closer and found out more about him in some ways then I had before. The day he died I came home and realized that while I had been focusing on my Dad I had not been aware that my dog had been failing and I ended up having to put him asleep the same day.


Again condolences and best to you as you go thru these rough times. Life does move on. I joined GA thanks to your stories and have found a wonderful community here during some strange times in my life. Pax Steve

Lucy Kemnitzer


Can you be with your dog when they do the deed? We were able to do that: three of us (my younger kid didn't want to) sat on the floor of the examining room with the dog between us, and the vet gave her an injection to make her sleepy and another that actually killed her. It made things so much easier. And in this case, the cremation service had connection with a piece of land where the ashes are scattered in the forest, and we could have even gone to where the ashes went if we had wanted.


The reason you're grieving your dog more is that your dog is the thing you have to deal with on your own, and with your uncle you're busy being the go-to guy.



Dom Honestly I would try another vet because when we had to put our dog down the cremated him and gave him back and we buried him in the back yard. I dont see why they are giving you problems

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