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So I'm a hypocrite



Alright, so I'm always bashing and making fun of all those people who used the MySpace and Xanga and Facebook and everything like that saying they really need to get a life and stop spending so much time on the computer trying to create relationships and 'friends' through them and what not. Well, I gave in to peer pressure today at school. I was in my Personal Finance class where we have the computers in front of us the whole time, and the people around me convinced me to create a Facebook account.


Well, the school blocks the Myspace and Facebook websites and emails coming in so we cant go there, but there's always ways around that 0:) so I made one. I started searching through the school that I'm at and saw that almost 1,500 out of 2,000 kids there had a Facebook account. I was kinda surprised that that many people actually made those things and used them.


Anyways, I was searching through my high school 'network' and was going through the list of seniors and low and behold, who do I find... my 'hypothetical' Adam. So I clicked his and went to it and everything and what's the first thing I see on there? Interested in: Males. So now I'm 100% sure he's gay. Before I was only like 99% sure, but now I know for sure and I started to get my hopes up. Well, looking down another line, I see he's already in a long-term relationship with a guy that he really likes. My hopes came crashing back down.


So now I feel a mixture of relief and sadness because at least I have an excuse as to why I shouldn't go after him, but then it's not like I could get him even if I wanted to because he's already seeing someone. Blah!


------------Switching Gears---------------


Work! I walked in to work today and guess who I see there? Tim. Now, I don't talk about Tim that much in my blogs because it's a waste of breath, but a few people know who I'm talking about. He's a stupid, lazy, dumbass, homophobic, asshole. I, along with everyone that works there, hate him with a passion. I tried to ignore him and go talk to Heather, but as I walk past him, he says, "Hey Joe, did you enjoy National Coming Out Day?"


It took a lot of will power not to just knock the living shit out of him right there. I was so tempted to just punch him in the face. But, I choose the high road and kept walking. First of all, that was yesterday, not today. And how would he know when it was anyways? I honestly think he's so far in the closet that he hasn't even come to terms with it himself yet.


So I told my manager and he told me I should have punched him right there on the spot. I have a good relationship with my manager... he likes gay people and hates Tim :) So he was encouraging me to file a formal sexual harassment charge on Tim because it's not the first comment he's made, and Tim filed a harassment charge on Paul (the manager) before so he wanted revenge, but I held back and just told him to ignore it.


Well, I learned a lot today. Not all of it was good, but it's nice to know.



(Who's feeling a lot of emotions going through him right now)




So I also found out that the guy I talk with a lot in my Trig class is bi. I thought he was gay, but then dismissed it after he said he had a girlfriend. Who woulda thought he'd be bi :P


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Hmm... your job seems better, your managers help you with the harrasment... not dish it out. :P



Bummer about 'Adam.'



Kurt :D



Ehh facebook isn't as great as it used to be, it's so gossipy and stalker-like now-- just like myspace. Then again, I think it's great to have some online friends (what's the GA here for anyways?); it's really fun and let's you socialize with radically different people, all in one sitting!


a side note: isn't it annoying when people don't list what sex they're interested in? It's not that they're questioning, it's more like just too lazy to click on the button and select one (I've asked many people and all of them were straight).



I dont have mine listed :P But that's because I dont want to publicize it. If they want to know, they can ask :)



so I'm always bashing and making fun of all those people who used the MySpace and Xanga and Facebook and everything like that saying they really need to get a life and stop spending so much time on the computer trying to create relationships and 'friends' through them and what not.


so I'm always bashing and making fun of all those people who used the MySpace and Xanga and Facebook *coughMSNcough* and *coughGAcough* and everything like that saying they really need to get a life and stop spending so much time on the computer trying to create relationships and 'friends' through them and what not. 0:)



Hey, I already admitted to being a hypocrite! I just didn't point out every spot where I was :D

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