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I'm ok. Promise.


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Hey, it's fine, man. Not feeling well isn't something you should feel like you have to apologise about.
If you need to take some time rest and look after yourself, no one will hold it against you. Not the people who matter, anyway.

I hope you DO get better soon, and for a long time.

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I’m so sorry you’ve been ill! You have a right to rest when you’re trying to get better! I thank you, though, for keeping us updated on your condition. Take the time you need, we’ll still be here. 


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7 hours ago, Comicality said:

So sorry, you guys. It was a bad time....

You never have to apologize, Comsie.  :hug: Your health should always take priority. We'll still be here.

Oh, and here's Christian Convery in the new "One Piece" to help you get back on your feet!  :P



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Thanks a ton, you guys. I'm working it out and getting my line-up back together. Love you all! :)

Ps - Hehehe, no worries, Page... "One Piece was one of my favorite series this year, by FAR! I've seen it at least three or four times now from beginning. And it makes me smile every single time!

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Take all the time you need, my friend. :hug:

PS: I'm glad you enjoyed One Piece, and I can't wait for season 2. There's something so joyful in early One Piece, it's so fun to watch. You know, if you want more, there's over 1050 anime episodes waiting for you. 😆

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