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I don't like this . . .

I don't like this blog because it's taken me away from my LiveJournal blog, but since I don't have that much of an audience over there, I might as well bore people over here.


Chapter 10 of The Pastel Cowboy is up on Nifty, but not yet, as of 2116 PST, on The Cove. I don't know what I hold up is. Maybe it's something trivial, maybe something drastic. I don't know. It's not like I can call the webmaster and ask. This is the internet after all, telephony has been superseded by email and instant messaging.


I started work on a new short story. I'm working off the GA Anthology nomination list, starting with the suggestions with the fewest votes. The first one I'm tackling is "Odd Man/Woman Out." Been there, done that. It's not a happy memory, but one that's full of angst so it should make a good story.


I'm going back to work Wednesday morning. There's no question unless I suddenly come into a lot of money. Bought a lottery ticket tonight, since I don't have a forgotten uncle who's suddenly going to die and leave me with millions.


Actually, I had a forgotten uncle, but he left me with $8,000 back in the early Seventies. Uncle W__ was single. Lived with his mother until she died in 1955 and then moved into bachelor housing out behind a sporting goods place on Crown Hill. He lived there until he died. My parents wouldn't let me be around Uncle W__. He was different. He was single. He had male friends. My cousins, on my father's side who I stopped seeing when my father stopped talking to his sister, got to hang out with him, but then they were Catholic, so probably knew how to hang with older men.


Anyway, Uncle W__ is an enigma. Actually, my father's side of the family is one great big enigma. Eight cousins who I don't know and probably never will know. All gone because of some stupid argument between my father and his sister.


That's the way with some families, though. It's hard to miss someone you've never met, except there's an emptiness over there than I can't seem to fill. Maybe I just care too much about trivial feelings. :(



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