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Luc's Dementia

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My condolences for the loss of Pretty Baby. :( They really do become family and I know how much it hurts to lose even one.


Cats can have a number of congential and other sorts of problems that can lead to sudden death. [usually involving the heart, kidneys, liver or vascular system] From the limited amount of information that I gathered from your blog, this sounds like it is probably the case.


For some reason cats with Tortiseshell coats are prone to strokes which is how I lost Sissy a few years ago. They go to sleep and just don't wake up which is an easy way to go but a foul surprise to their people.


Most of the other things that could have gone wrong have symptoms that would have been hard to miss so I seriously doubt that you have a pending "cat plague".







Thanks for your kind words, Kevin and James.


For some reason cats with Tortiseshell coats are prone to strokes which is how I lost Sissy a few years ago. They go to sleep and just don't wake up which is an easy way to go but a foul surprise to their people.


I didn't know that. Pretty Baby was a tortiseshell tabby, so maybe that is what happened to her. You are right, they are like family



So sorry, Luc.



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