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One Hell of a Week



First off, let me just say that if I haven't talked to any of you in a long time and you never see me on MSN anymore, I'm sorry. This week has been absolute hell for me. I started my training week at work on Sunday night at 7pm. I work from 7pm to 5:30am Sunday-Thursday this week. I have school from 8am-12pm Monday-Thursday. I've pulled one 28 hour day before finally passing out and getting 3 hours of sleep, and today I'm going to pull another long 24+ hour day IF I even sleep at all before I go back to work. Most of you are probably saying that's not bad, I have 7 hours in between to sleep. Well try doing a shit load of projects and homework for classes and still getting that sleep. The good news is though that after this week, my schedule will even out more and it won't be so bad.


As for today, it's going to be either one very good, or very bad day. I found out two days ago that my ex, Jonathan, is moving in about a week. His dad is going to be the pastor or a church in a town about three hours from here. Now even though I haven't really talked to him that much, I do miss him a lot as it is, and with him moving that just kills anything we might have had going in the future. So today after he gets out of class around 1, we're going to hang out and say goodbye and all the fun stuff. I'm really looking forward to spending the time with him, but I'm not looking forward to either getting very little or no sleep at all before I have to go to work.


Caffeine is your friend. High amounts of caffeine can keep you going for hours. Just don't let that caffeine wear off or you're f**ked and you crash. I've had so many monsters, 5 hour energy drinks, redbulls, caffeine pills, and coffee in the past week that I've been doing pretty good about not letting that crash hit me until I really need it.


I really can't remember what all I wrote so far, so if none of that made sense, then tough shit because I'm not going to correct it. And now I get to go take a shower before I head off to start my wonderful day of classes! YAY! *walks away muttering*


Oh, before I forget, I just wanted to vent about how stupid some of the staff is at my school. I got an email last week saying I needed to go in to get my picture taken for my ID. Fine, I go in on Monday and she's all excited to see me because I took so long to go there and get it done. Well sorry I have a life and can't just drop everything to go get my damn picture taken! Stupid bitch. And then, even though she's all excited, she says the machine is down because it's out of toner. Great. She tells me to come back tomorrow (Tuesday) during the day and we'll get it done. I guess she forgot to mention that Tuesday was a staff development day because I go in there on Tuesday and there's a note on the door saying they're closed and will be back open tomorrow. Again, I call her a stupid bitch even though she's not there. So now I have to go in there today with no sleep, and get the damn picture taken for my ID card. And I swear if for any reason they can't do it today, then f**K them and their damn ID card. They can wait until I'm good and ready to take the stupid picture and get the card. I don't even NEED the card, but they say I HAVE to have it. Whatever. [/end rant]


That's all for now. This was mainly just to let everyone know that I'm still alive. I'll try to talk to everyone when I get a chance on the weekend, but the chances are I'll still be swamped with projects and web stuff.



(Who really needs some more caffeine :) )


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Joe, hope hanging out with him will go well.


Gah amazing, that you can work and do school both full time, a few people at my work, have two full time jobs.


Hands Joe some red bull.



Take care



First off, let me just say that if I haven't talked to any of you in a long time and you never see me on MSN anymore, I'm sorry. This week has been absolute hell for me. I started my training week at work on Sunday night at 7pm. I work from 7pm to 5:30am Sunday-Thursday this week. I have school from 8am-12pm Monday-Thursday. I've pulled one 28 hour day before finally passing out and getting 3 hours of sleep, and today I'm going to pull another long 24+ hour day IF I even sleep at all before I go back to work. Most of you are probably saying that's not bad, I have 7 hours in between to sleep. Well try doing a shit load of projects and homework for classes and still getting that sleep. The good news is though that after this week, my schedule will even out more and it won't be so bad.

Dude! That's so not what I was saying!


Oh my gosh, you've GOT to lighten that load! You're gonna frickin' die! Seven uncommitted hours in a day IS NOT enough, and they're also at the wrong time of the day!


Eughh, I'll stop bitching and mind my own business, but wow, please take some more time for yourself!



As for today, it's going to be either one very good, or very bad day. I found out two days ago that my ex, Jonathan, is moving in about a week. His dad is going to be the pastor or a church in a town about three hours from here.

Wait a minute, do you mean to tell me that you were seeing "the son of a preacherman"? :blink::P


Sorry, just couldn't resist the bad joke. Actually I think boys from religious backgrounds are HOTT!



Now even though I haven't really talked to him that much, I do miss him a lot as it is, and with him moving that just kills anything we might have had going in the future. So today after he gets out of class around 1, we're going to hang out and say goodbye and all the fun stuff. I'm really looking forward to spending the time with him, but I'm not looking forward to either getting very little or no sleep at all before I have to go to work.

Ohh, Joe, :hug: I'm so sorry for you guys :( I hope you have/had ALOT of fun, and I hope you can work out some kinda way to stay in touch.


Caffeine is your friend. High amounts of caffeine can keep you going for hours. Just don't let that caffeine wear off or you're f**ked and you crash. I've had so many monsters, 5 hour energy drinks, redbulls, caffeine pills, and coffee in the past week that I've been doing pretty good about not letting that crash hit me until I really need it.


don't get me started on caffeine. Especially as a substitute for sleep! GRRr


Sorry, if I seem like I'm being nosy and overbearing, but please try to get some sleep and get off the caffeine. :hug:



Hands Joe some red bull.

**grabs the Red Bull away and hands Joe a pillow instead**



Good luck with everything,

and take care


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