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reason dies a little death

***WARNING*** useless b*tching below ***WARNING***


Why is it that some people just have to be pig-headed and obstinant just for the sake of being pig-headed and obstinant? Furthermore, why are these people related to me?


So quick run down.


I wasn't at work yesterday (Thank God for Sundays!) Anyhow there was a bit of a mishap where a custermer paid for $20 of product. recieved it, then through some sort of error or system screw-up proceded to get $31 more product.


the custermer then claimed she didnt have any more money and she was not going to pay for the $31 of product she recieved. YAY right? Anyhow the deal is simple if you recived it you pay for it. If not we can call the cops and they'll sort the mess out. Usualy this involves telling the custermer that they have to pay for stuff and if they don't its called theft.


Iterestingly enough the lady who claimed not to have any more money (honestly how many people get into a vehicle and do not have some sort of payment in case of emergencies?) Qucikly enough found $40 that she didn't have before.


Great problem solved, except she took the opertunity to claim it was racialy motivated, and began cursing up a blue streak.


Sad really.


So my sister was talking about this today, saying if she was the lady who went all ghetto. She would have said, "Your Cashier screwed up not me..."


I stopped her right there and explained the details of the situation.


She didn't like the fact that I was enlightening her to all of the details that she was talking about. So she got all upity and wanted to argue with me about it saying that I didn't know what I was talking about. I came into the middle of a conversation and had to through my view in.


let's nevermind the fact that I was standing there the entire time she was talking about it.


So she wouldnt listen and is convinced she has the right idea.


Sad really. What's worse is I rarely get to meet this side of her, usualy shes more rational with me, and at least humors reason.


I guess she didn't want to today... so, um yeah i dunno.


In other news I have like 16 1/2 hours of mandatory writing lab hours to make up in the next 3 weeks, who thinks I can do it?


Why all english classes at my college require 18 hours of writing lab time is beyond me but they do. I guess I could go in and pretend to be working on english and futz with project cody. or maybe even the overdue fall anthology which would go well for the winter anthology. I dunno


well till later I guess




Recommended Comments

Masked Monkey


1) yea people suck sometimes

2) sometimes it is good when people suck; better when they swallow -- but this isn't one of them

3) I use plastic 0:) for my product, well the legal product anyway

4) There is an old saying that applies in many more situations than you would think:

Don't wrestle with a pig, you just get dirty and the pig has all the fun

5) The saying that applies to your sister, however:

Don't try to teach a pig to sing, it is doomed to failure and it just annoys the pig

6) If they don't say what you have to write in writing lab (jeebus I forgot how awful community colleges were), then write what you want.

7) If all else fails, see 2). :PB)


Have fun Steven


:king: Dr. Mr. Snow "Snoopy" Dog



Reminds me of that line from the movie "As Good as it Gets". A woman asks Jack Nicholson, who plays an author of fiction, how he does woman so well in his stories. Jack simply says something like, "Well, I start with a man and then remove all accountability and rationality." I love Helen Hunt, btw.


Hang tough, Steve.





I love Helen Hunt, btw.


Helen Hunt in The Waterdance, yeah, love her!





... maybe that's why you like me so much, eh? Me and my damn points... :P


Ugh, I have a sister with no reason at all, EVER... so I get ya.



Viv :wub:

C James


Ouch... Having just spent a month with my relatives, including some who are decidedly reason-challenged, I fully sympathize.

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