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This is my life

It seems like life gets slower when there's nothing to really look forward to. Whether it's a job or school or something like that, it slows down incredibly when there's nothing to do.


So I decided to take this time and really look indepth to where I am, where I want to go, and what I want to do, and I've come up with a todo list to be accomplished over the next few years.


Enigma's todo list:

1. Get a job that will last me through college

2. Get a car because NJTranist is horrible

3. Get my degree in criminal justice so I can get a job

4. Maintain a writing schedule and release stories

5. Help my friends and family when needed

6. Be there for people who need help

7. Help my fellow man

8. Find someone who makes me feel infinite again

9. Find friendship with good people

10. Find out why CJames loves to use nast cliff hangers

11. Write to a few authors on this site and tell them how inspiring they are

12. Give hope and love to everyone

13. Be the best I can be

14. Find out what ever happenes with GFD

15. Figure out who was better for Rory... Luke or Seth


That's what I came up with and I'm gonna start working on that list..... tomorrow cus I'm tired now lol


~As Always~

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10. Find out why CJames loves to use nast cliff hangers


just give up on this one now. Trust me finding the grail would be far easier :P

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