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July Vacation Trip

This has been one exciting trip so far. It actually started several days ago. I went to call my brother to let him know I would be coming and when. I discovered that somehow I had lost his number off my cell phone. I couldn't find my younger sisters either. I had noticed several days ago, that I couldn't make or receive calls. I wound up pulling the battery and sim card to get it working again. So emailed a cousin of mine asking her to contact my sister and let her know and to get a hold of my brother.


When I got to my brothers place, no one was home. Some one is usually, someone is there when they know I'm coming. I went to a friend of mine for awhile and called my cousin. She said she didn't get the email. I did get my sisters number from her and called her. She didn't call me back until 11:30 p.m. I did manage to find out what my brothers number was and called and left a message for him to call my friends house. Knowing my brother's wife, I decided to head over there around 8 and still no one was home. I decided to head into town and get something to eat and decided to go to the hotel I stayed in last summer when I took a coaster trip with a friend.


On a good note, I plan to hit Indiana Beach and check out their new coaster for this year, Steel Hawg. (Link)


Now for something a bit humorous, some of the signs I see along the way driving from Pennsylvania to Indiana. While driving in the Harrisburg area, I drive thru Middlesex Township. Along the way, I pass signs for University of California, Pennsylvania. Later on in Ohio, I pass Flushing, Ohio. Then once I get into Indiana, I drive thru Economy at 40 mph.


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I'm glad you're having fun, Jan. I hope you will be well rested and that you'll have some pictures to share with us!

Guest Gene


did you ever get to see your brother? i hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation trip.

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I should be getting to my brothers house over the weekend and staying there.


I decided not to bring my camera since it probably would have been family pictures. I didn't know about the Iron Hawg until I heard a radio commercial or I would have brought my camera.



I should be getting to my brothers house over the weekend and staying there.


I decided not to bring my camera since it probably would have been family pictures. I didn't know about the Iron Hawg until I heard a radio commercial or I would have brought my camera.


Cant you go get a disposable camera and scan the pics after you get them developed? Just a thought :ph34r:

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One nice thing about my vacation trips is I get to do a lot of reading during the daytime. There's not much to do while friends and family are at work. I managed to finish off dkstories Do Over series and started the Rich Boy series.


It took me just a hair over 11 hours to drive back on Saturday. I had a nice surprise waiting on me when I got back. There was a For Rent sign in the front yard when I got back. It seems the old woman in the downstairs apartment moved out while I was gone. This means, that now I don't have to put up with her running water while I'm trying to shower. Trust me, I'm not going to miss that sudden blast of hot or cold water. Or her not checking her toilet after she flushed it and it continues to run for a couple of hours leaving me with low water pressure. Not even the landlord knows when her family moved her out.

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