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Why don't I condone drug use?

The title says it all about the message of this blog. Why don't I condone drug use? Because its an escapist route to hide form the problems that are bothering you consciously or subconsciously.


I gave a little story in the soapbox on why I don't do drugs anymore (with the exception of smoking, yes i started again). My reason is that I tried to hide from many issues that I was facing at the time. Whenever I was clubbing, I always had a drink in my hand and it took me not drinking one night at a club to realize why I did. It was because I HATED clubbing and I HATED large crowds. Turns out, I suffer from a mild form of agoraphobia and I used alcohol, and a few other drugs that I did or tired while clubbing, to hide from all of that.


Now as I get older and wiser, I'm off to pursue my degree and ultimately work in the social services field where I have to be clean and be around people who are as well. I'm the type of person who is COMPLETELY against the ideal of "Do as I say, not as I do." That's why I'm on the road to quitting smoking again (as soon as I figure out why I keep going back to it) and why I don't want to be around people who do drugs.


Flame me all you want, but this is my stance and my ideals.


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i don't think this is flaming, but i don't think you can extend your idea on why EVERYONE PERSON WHO DOES DRUGS DOES THEM when you have only your experience to draw from.


it's the same reason i can't say for certain that you're wrong; i can make guesses at why some people do them, but i can't be sure.


this isn't an addict defending himself; i drink on occasion, can count the number of cigarettes i've smoked on one hand, and tried pot twice.


i'm just saying: speak for yourself.



Billy, quite frankly most psychologists will say that there is a reason why people use a lot of drugs and alcohol. It's an unhealthy coping mechanism at best and a means of complete self-destruction at worst. There's a difference between experimenting with drugs and using drugs to escape from your problems. Where exactly do we draw that line? I'm not exactly sure.



I sure hope you can leave drugs behind, cutie... :hug:

But, it's true... If you're going to work with children and all... You gotta be clean!



i'm sure there are reasons, but i don't think escapism is the catch-all term for them.


i hate talking about this subject because anything that isn't "drugs are bad bad bad they ruined my momma and my daddy and i will never do them because i am a good boy" has a stigma attached to it.


did i condone them? no.


again: i don't like the idea that one experience can speak for all others.



While I stand by what I believe, I agree that one experience I had doesn't speak for everyone, but I am talking about multiple instances where I did try and hide my feelings behind the bottle and such. I just needed to get this out of my system.



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