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Letter to the editor.... err, Mom?

Sometimes I wonder, okay that's a lie... I wonder a LOT, how some people got to be parents... and I don't mean HOW, I get that part... I mean why, I guess. If you don't want to be a parent, don't have kids... seems simple enough to me, right? And, (I can't believe I just started a sentence with 'and') if you do have kids, for goodness sake, f**king take care of them and be responsible! That said... you know, I think anyway, that Tony's girlfriend Danielle came to stay with us for the summer because her Mom lost her mind. Well no, what actually happened is that she was only allowed to go home on the condition that she attend church weekly with her crazy mom, and she didnt want to, so I said she could come live here in sin with us kewl kids.


So she did! :D And, (see above) I totally love her! :wub: Anway, about a week back, her mom sent her an email...




I am very hurt and frustrated with you right now. I am so hurt because I thought that finally our relationship was moving to a little better place. It has been extremely strained since the move. And let's not beat around the bush. Let's just say it how it is. I am frustrated because since your move nothing I say is right. But if Tony says it then it must be true. I tell you things and you talk to me like i am a child or an idiot. I am not the one that made the decision for things to be the way they are. You made that decision all by yourself. I have tried to keep the lines of communication open - but for what. So you could tell me that "every time" we talk you get "stressed". Thanks a lot.


Danielle, I don't feel that you are treating me with any respect. I am your mother. I did raise you to have respect for me. If you are so angry at me then just say it and we can both just walk away from each other. You are living in a way that is sinful. I don't agree with it and I don't approve. God doesn't either. You are stressed because you are so torn with knowing the truth and rejecting it. You know everything you should be doing and you just choose not too. Don't blame me. I didn't do anything wrong.


I have been paying your bills for two months now. Your dad and I have given you some money for groceries. I planned to give you more money. Why should I do any of this when all I do is stress you out. Do you tell Tony that he is stressing you out - no. It is just me.


I didn't ask for this. You made this college decision and lifestyle decision and now you have to live with it and the consequences. You made some poor decisions with money. We all do. I have. But Danielle, don't think for one second that I am going to take the blame for this. You are a grown up now. We don't have real talks - we just talk around stuff because you life and my life are so different with respect to God. I won't change who I am.


You have hurt me so bad. I really was fooled into thinking that we were moving forward with our relationship. You having a bad day and I get the brunt of it. We all have bills. We all have no money. That is called life.


Danielle, I am not going to lie - I don't like Tony. I think he is a bad influence and has taken you away from God and your family for the lusts of this world. This world is a fleeting moment. Eternal life is forever!!!!!!! Tony doesn't believe in God so all of a sudden you don't believe in God.


You found our family and help put it back together and then just walked away. Everyone misses you and wants a relationship with you. How can you just pick one guy over all this. They are ready to be there for you and your needs. They are ready to worship together with you to the true and living God.


I have been holding all this in since you left. I have tried and thought that I shouldn't say anything bad about Tony. But you know Danielle i am really mad at him. He took my baby girl away. She is gone and I want her back. I long for the day when she will come home and will accept the Lord and her family. I long for the day when we can talk openly once again with no barriers. To listen to your dreams and the aspirations that you have in your life. To hear you speak of your God. The God that you loved so much and worshiped so proudly. Satan has got you now. He is so happy and that is why you have all the stress in your life. He is the author of confusion and destruction. He wants us to be torn apart.


Danielle I have to draw the line in the sand and say that if this relationship is going to go on you have to make some changes. The huge chip on your shoulder has to be dropped. The anger towards me has to go. And most of all you need to accept God back into your life. I will not serve two masters. I only serve the true and living God from above. He is my master. I love you so much and prayer for your soul often. I don't want to cut you off but I won't be abused by you.


I will pay the bills this month. Which includes the car insurance due this month and then one more cell phone bill at the beginning of Oct. After that I won't pay anymore. You have to stand up and take charge of your life. Be an adult that you seem to so desperately want.


Things don't have to stay this way. My door is always open to you but you have to come back the right way. God's way. I could accept Tony if he changed his ways and beliefs. I won't accept either of you if you are still living together in sin.


I will contact you one more time regarding the bill arrangement and then it is up to you. You will have to seek me out for a relationship. You will have to want a relationship with me. I am done being your hurt. Danielle the day you claimed to not believe in God anymore was the worst day of your life as well as my life. The sadness is still fresh on my heart. I am sure that when you are alone with your thoughts you know it was a sad day for you too. That is if you are really being honest with yourself.


The bible says:

Seek first the things of righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.


When you seek God first he will take care of "everything". Not just some things but all things. We have no worry. No fears. Only peace that comes from above.


Now my door is open to you any time of the day to study this with you ... to study the scripture, to pray with you and for you. This also includes Tony as well. My door will always be open to you where ever I live and where ever you live. I love you very very much and that will never change. That is why this is so hard because I do love you and care for your soul. Please think on these things.


Love in Christ,



Needless to say Tony was ugh, and Danielle was a mess, and I was like... grrr!


So Tony writes Danielle's mom a reply....


Dear [Danielle's Mom],


I have now read through the email you sent Danielle for the second time. Please excuse any errors you may find in this response. As I type these first words, it is already past 2:00 AM. You see, I was up late tonight working on an essay that is due in 10 hours. I would have finished earlier had I not been comforting your daughter.


I have held true to my own beliefs until this point, but I, like you, feel that I must express myself now. Let me first start by saying that the thing I hate most in this world is ignorance. I am a firm believer that you should accept and respect other people


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Ugh, Hmm and I wonder why I do not get along with Religious folk :P


and I agree with your first statment, if you don't want kids they bloody don't have them.


I thought Tony's response was pretty well done, and not really attacking her, Like I might of done.


Your response I also thought is well done too Viv, far as I can see you done a good job of raising tony.



Wow Viv! You really told her. I don't believe all Christians are bad, but she certainly needs to learn a lesson or two about "God's love" if she wants to continue professing Christianity. Viv, I think you are an angel. You are one of the kindest and most beautiful women in the entire world both inside and out, and we are truly blessed to have you here. :)



a saint, i sometimes think, you are(/were made).

but i'm not jealous.


i will come home next week

in more than one respect maybe.



Viv :wub::wub:


So you already know how I feel about this subject, all I will say is that this is VERY common in todays world. Like you already said Viv some people should just not have kids, period. Tony is a very brave, honest, sweet and smart man, guess he had a good teacher huh? Wonder who that was...


Here's something i just want to say to those parent's out there who just don't give a crap about their kids;


I don't care who you are or what religion you beleive in your kids are your kids. They should be one of the most important things in your lives and if they aren't, you really need to reconsider raising those kids...


I really wish all parent's can be as great as you are Viv, but then agian I don't want to share you with anyone so ... yeah


;Hug Mike



Viv :wub::wub:


So you already know how I feel about this subject, all I will say is that this is VERY common in todays world. Like you already said Viv some people should just not have kids, period. Tony is a very brave, honest, sweet and smart man, guess he had a good teacher huh? Wonder who that was...


Here's something i just want to say to those parent's out there who just don't give a crap about their kids;


I don't care who you are or what religion you beleive in your kids are your kids. They should be one of the most important things in your lives and if they aren't, you really need to reconsider raising those kids...


I really wish all parent's can be as great as you are Viv, but then agian I don't want to share you with anyone so ... yeah


;Hug Mike



I agree with your statement Mike :)





Thanks for sharing this with us. I am sure it was not easy to do.


Unfortunately, a lot of people who do not want children are more focused on, as you politely expressed it, the "HOW". Fortunately, most of them, when presented with the little bundle of joy, turn out to be pretty good parents. Christians have no monopoly on parenting skills.


Christians have all the same problems everyone else has; we all live in the same world with the same distractions (sins, if you will). Christians who have really put some thought and effort into their religion know that the New Testament is focused on one thing...love. They have also learned that it is not their place to judge others. Being judgmental is the biggest problem most Christians have in their relationship with other people, including other Christians. Christians also realize that they are sinners...everyone is. That realization is the reason most of them became Christians in the first place.


I don't want to be judgmental (it's very difficult to refrain), but I suspect the problems with Danielle's family did not start when she met Tony. Her parent's divorce - something that most Christians try to avoid - is an indication of earlier problems. Now that everyone's position has been staked out and documented in the e-mails you shared, I think you are right to encourage Danielle and to "love Danielle...and be there for her when she needs a reliable, intelligent, trustworthy adult to go to for advice and help."


I wish you and your family - and Danielle's parents - the very best.



Coming Undone


Hi Viv!!!


I feel Danielle's pain. :/:hug: As hard as this is, it will pass.


Love ya Babe!! ;)

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