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reflections on america

Time is dithering into the abyss, silly season is drawing to a close. Right on track with the death of this most wonderful quad-annual event, both Candidates have eschewed what really matters in an effort to smear their opponent. One ignores the issues and attacks, the other ignores the issues and counter attacks.


The sad irony is that they promised us change, they promised us reform, but at the end of the day its business as usual on the road to Washington.


America is still willing to put some perceived religious belief above human life. They are even willing to ratify an amendment that goes against the core concepts on which this country was founded. The scariest thing about this is they actually believe they are in the right. They believe that some divine power sees fit to deny a fellow human being a basic right.


Should this right be horded by one group and not the other? Is there only so much of this right to go around? Preposterous questions, both of them. This right isn't tangible, as Americans we say "you aren't allowed this right. We say this to our brothers, to our sisters. We say it to our athletes, to our celebrities. We say it to our police officer, to our fire-fighter. We say it to the man with our flag on his shoulder. We ask him to go and protect the freedoms we cherish; in fact we cherish them so much we chose to exclude him from their full grace.


It begs the question, How do Americans look at themselves in the mirror? Do they notice the hypocrisies in their smile? Do they not realize these things as they praise marriage, as they thank their wonderful wife?


As always, humanity is posed with too many questions, and not nearly enough answers.


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Very good points. I wish it wasn't true.



No on 8!



It really makes me wonder sometimes. It seems like we are once again in a position where we really do have to go for the lesser of two evils. I hope that one day our faith in the system can be restored. I may be voting for Obama simply because he's a better choice than McCain. That doesn't mean that he is an ideal candidate. If he happens to do half of what he has promised, the country will be better. Still, some major changes in the system need to be made before there can be real change in America.



Honestly like Steve said it's to the point where they probablly don't even remember half of the things their promising us. Their not even thinking about what's best for us, there just saying what everyone wants to hear so they get picked. I guess that's just how politics go.



It really makes me wonder sometimes. It seems like we are once again in a position where we really do have to go for the lesser of two evils. I hope that one day our faith in the system can be restored. I may be voting for Obama simply because he's a better choice than McCain. That doesn't mean that he is an ideal candidate. If he happens to do half of what he has promised, the country will be better. Still, some major changes in the system need to be made before there can be real change in America.


I fail to see how either is a good choice. True one may be better then the other, but that in and of it self doesn't make that candidate the GOOD choice. As a citizen I shouldn't be forced to choose between the lessor of two evils. I shouldn't be asked to vote for any man (or woman) who believes that the rights spelled out in the Constitution only cover the majority of the population, but not ALL of the population. Your candidate thinks this way, I know because they both think this way.


Are we Americans when we elect individuals who don't believe in basic inalienable rights?


Are we Americans when we ask people who have worked hard, and achieved the ever elusive American Dream to support those of us who are more interested in a free ride than an honest days work?


Why does the American Dream have a caveat that certain terms and conditions apply?


Why do we allow it?



Because we are all stupid and destined for stupid things. What some think is right others beleive is wrong, no matter what we will never ever as americans be able to decided on one thing. With all things no matter what happens someone will not be happy, I guess it's just making sure those someones are nobodys. If this makes no sense at all I'm sorry I hjust got home from a exam/work/bar =P



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