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The Drop Occured... but all is better

Well, the drop occurred.


Out of all the managers i've ever had, my all time favorite one quit without any notice. She was pretty cool and i'm gonna miss her something fierce.


That's not to say that i'm depressed from it... i'm disappointed but I know that things like this happen and it's of no fault of my own.


Needless to say, I'm also having quite a bit of fun training the new manager that we have. He's pretty cool, though in a different way.


On a personal level, Matt and I have been together almost a month now and my feelings for him are just as strong as ever and, on a side note, I need to get better pictures of him and me.


On a seperate level, I want to say that I should have a new serial that i'm working on and the first chapter should be posted by mid-november. Lost in Pain is also on hiatus right now because it's not going where I wanted it to go. Needless to say I'll try to finish it, although it may be just one long extended chapter.


Finally I want to thank everyone who's been suportive of me and my attempts to write. You guys keep me going!!!!




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