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Lesson's learned while at GA



At times I can be stubborn, but I've looked back over my time here at GA and found that I've come to accept (note accept, not tolerate) two facts:


1) Some guys who claim to be bisexual really are bisexual.


2) Some Gay Fiction readers skip over the sex scenes.


For guys who claimed to be bisexual, I always assumed that they were just in denial, confused, or were just on a journey towards pure gayness. I knew better. I looked them in the eyes with a knowing look (well, as much as you can look someone in the eyes via the internet). But after much debate and discussion, I do believe there are true bisexuals.


I still believe that some identified bisexuals are in denial, confused, etc, but there are some real ones.


The other fact is harder to get my hands around. I mean, skip the sex scenes? Why even read the stories? I can see women skipping them over, or those who've been assigned to read the stories by some crafty English Lit Teaching Assistant, but gay guys? :wacko: .


*Sigh*, I don't know, maybe it's because I turned 40 this year, but I accept that they're out there. They've taken our abuse and disdain for too long, but now they have my sympathy and acceptance.




P.S. - Domluka is close to breaking 400,000 views on his blog. Even if you consider 100,000 of those views were mine, that still leaves about 300,000 others! Wow! Having him return from his hiatus has sure made this more fun for me. I couldn't ask for a better Christmas present :D


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Jeez :blink:


A guy gets engaged and turns into the proper police. Mark I think we should reconsider that shower we were planning.


My husband to be (HTB) expects better of me 0:)


I'd respond but I'm still pouting.

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