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12 Gays of Christmas



Did anyone see this youtube video? I'm sure many of the youtube addicts have. My best friend showed this to me a few days ago and I could not stop laughing over how cute it was. I saw the rockettes at Radio City around THanksgiving when my sister flew in from California. And it was a great show...now in the 12 Gays of Christmas basically make their own little Rockette dance.


Anyway, if anyone wants to check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSedhEoutP0


Hope everyone had a great Christmas and that no one went off the deep end after seeing relatives. I had a surprisingly good time at my Aunt's But the drama free atmosphere could be due to the fact that my uncle's girlfriend no longer comes to any family gatherings since she almost got into a fist fight with my aunt. My father had to hold back his sister. And to think I chose that year to go snowboarding and thus missed the greatest would be catfight of 2004. To this day, it is still my biggest regret in life. :D


And with that...2009 is right around the corner. SIGH. Anyone have interesting plans? Because I sure don't.

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