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Eurotophobia (Fear of Vaginas)

Okay, I didn't think this particular topic was appropriate for the forums, so I decided to use my blog instead. Okay, I totally don't get it. Vaginas don't do much for me, but I am not in fear of them, nor am I repulsed by them. I personally think this fear is irrational even for gay men. I mean, it's just a vagina. It's not going to hurt you. So you don't want to stick your dick in one. I could live without doing so myself, but why should anyone be afraid of them?


By extension, there is yet another fear often associated with gay men, tocophobia, or fear of pregnancy or pregnant women in particular. This is just as silly to me. I happen to think pregnancy is a beautiful thing, not something to be afraid of. I want kids of my own, and obviously pregnancy is involved, so pregnancy is a good thing. I would even deliver a baby if I had to do so, and other than the blood, I think I'd be just fine. Anyway, why do so many have such fears? I don't hear about straight men freaking out over the sight of a penis, so why should many gay men have such a fear of vaginas?


Recommended Comments

Mark Arbour


Penises are cool, vaginas are cool, and pregnancy is really cool, especially if it's your baby.


You're right Tiger. Nothing to fear here at all. Unless you're trying to be really dramatic.



huh. i was unaware that anyone feared pregnancy and penises and vaginas.

That's a damn shame, cause they're all essential to our survival.



....Since when were gay people scared of vaginas?

old bob


I would even deliver a baby if I had to do so, and other than the blood, I think I'd be just fine.

I had ! we were alone, a nurse, my wife and me. The gyneco was away, in his garden, flucking flowers and he came to late, a few minutes after my son (the one who is gay !). It's one of my best memories :D .



....Since when were gay people scared of vaginas?

Some actually are. I find it a bit weird to be honest. There's nothing wrong with them as far as I'm concerned. But then, I'm not one of the ones who's scared of them. :lol:


Great comments, guys. Seriously, there's nothing to be afraid of. I may be a gay man, but I can appreciate the beauty of a woman and even have an exception list of women I'd totally do. 0:-)



I don't know, but pregnancy sure scares the hell out of me!



Pregnancy is great!! It's giving birth that sucks. :P



:lol: True!


Why are people afraid of spiders? Why are people afraid of heights? Why are people afraid of the dark? Why are people afraid of anything?


A lot of people are afraid of something, and they may not be able to tell you why, they just are.


Now, I am not afraid of anything mentioned in this blog, but I do have an irrational fear or two of my own.

Mark Arbour


You know, now that I think about it, I can see how a gay guy could be afraid of a vagina. Picture this vignette. An obnoxious gay teen is arguing with his mother. She yells "Go to your room!" He yells back "No!" She stands and starts to unzip her pants: "Don't make me get out the vagina!" Gay boy flees to his room in terror.


It could happen. :P

  • Site Administrator


You know, now that I think about it, I can see how a gay guy could be afraid of a vagina. Picture this vignette. An obnoxious gay teen is arguing with his mother. She yells "Go to your room!" He yells back "No!" She stands and starts to unzip her pants: "Don't make me get out the vagina!" Gay boy flees to his room in terror.


It could happen. :P




Forget the whole gay part, that has me just horrified that any teenage boy would see his angry mom's vagina :o .


That is sooooooooooo wrong



You know, now that I think about it, I can see how a gay guy could be afraid of a vagina. Picture this vignette. An obnoxious gay teen is arguing with his mother. She yells "Go to your room!" He yells back "No!" She stands and starts to unzip her pants: "Don't make me get out the vagina!" Gay boy flees to his room in terror.


It could happen. :P

I don't even think straight boys want to see mommy's vag. That's disgusting. That might make me afraid of vaginas. :wacko:

Mark Arbour


Aha! So there's our theory. Gay boys who are afraid of vaginas probably saw their mother's.



Aha! So there's our theory. Gay boys who are afraid of vaginas probably saw their mother's.



Well, no... at the moment our theory is that gay guys who are scared of vagina's were probably kept under control with threats concerning their mother's vagina.


Not sure how the threat would work though... maybe one of the women on this forum would like to inform us of the combat capabilities of the average vagina? (Or, on second thoughts, maybe they wouldn't.)


Martin 0:)



You know, now that I think about it, I can see how a gay guy could be afraid of a vagina. Picture this vignette. An obnoxious gay teen is arguing with his mother. She yells "Go to your room!" He yells back "No!" She stands and starts to unzip her pants: "Don't make me get out the vagina!" Gay boy flees to his room in terror.


It could happen. :P




I love this! :D




I have no fear of vaginas. I'm not uncomfortable with them at all. Indeed, I'm fascinated because as a male, a gay male, I have no regular contact or first hand knowledge of vaginas. So I always relish the opportunity to learn more about them and see them up close the same way that I generally enjoy learning about new things.



Don't forget breasts, Kev. :D

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