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And so it goes...

So there's this boy that's been hanging around the park this past month. (May) After about the first week of seeing him come in and out of our building to drink water etc, I made it a point to say Hi and etc, just because I make a habit of knowing all of the teens who hang around the park. Believe it or not their good kids, and very helpful. So we always make it a point to get to know them if they start hanging around a lot.


Anyways so he would come in, say Hi to me and we'd talk for a little, mostly me just asking him basic questions, how's your day, etc etc.


So it's not a surprise that Hawaii has this BIG city event during the summers that it's pretty much like a Summer Camp program, for kids 5 - 12 and from the hours of 8 -2pm. Best part is it is mostly funded by the city, there for the parents pay mostly only the costs of the bus, and fieldtrips that we take the kids on which this year ends up being like 50 bucks. So anyways this boy we'll call B (I'm not feeling very creative right now) hears about the program, and literality cheers up, and gets very excited. He asked if he could sign up and of course I told him sure, and to have his mom or dad fill out the form I gave him and bring it back with said money.


So after that night he didn't come around for about a week, and sadly with all the craziness going on I forgot all about him. So when he finally does come around the following week, I asked him if he brought back the form. Well that one question seemed to have single handedly ruined this kids day as he told me about how his mom wouldn't be able to afford it etc.


Now I've seen my share of good kids, but from the little time I spent with this one, I learned a lot about him. He was smart, really smart, bright, and an all around happy and well mannered 10 year old. (He keeps calling me MR I"M NOT THAT OLD SHESH)


There are A lot and I mean a lot of kids in our program who don't really want to be there, but their parents don't want to have to watch them, so they toss them to us even though the kids miserable and not even giving it a try. Then there's this kid who really really wants to be in the program seems like he is in need of a good fun, and is unable due to funds.


It shouldn't have bothered me, it happens some parents struggle and just can't afford things like this for their kids, when their worried about getting food on the table and etc. And I know I can't help everyone and that it's just a part of life and blah blah blah.


Yet I still found myself donating the fifty dollars anonymously out of my just received paycheck, to the kid, to get him in the program.


Sure I'm not rich, I don't have a lot of money or parent's who are loaded. But what I do have is a decent place to live, a car that gets me to where I need to go, great food to eat on a daily basis and family and friends who love me, and from my point of view, that makes me rich. So what's fifty dollars? At least I know it's going to a good cause, besides it just means less money for alcohol and that is ALWAYS a good thing.



So with that being said, I'm official changing my degree from Education to Social Working. It's something I've been thinking about for a very long time, and even though everyone keeps telling me I won't last because there's just too much stress involved, I figure it can't hurt to at least try. I'll try and help as many kids as possible, I owe it to them.


In other news...


I finished a short story that I submitted for the Carpe Diem Anthology theme. And guess what, this kid was my inspiration, funny how that works right?


Good Night To You Gay Authors.


From your favorite Raccoon.


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Really nice of you Mike, Maybe his parents is in the military though, he would probably call you sir.



We have another hero...Michael!


Just get used to it...to a 10-year-old, you are"Sir". I suspect he is getting a pretty good upbringing despite the financial difficulties.



What kind of social work are you thinking of exactly?



Really nice of you Mike, Maybe his parents is in the military though, he would probably call you sir.


I think it's more parent and I highly doubt the moms in the military.



You're a sweetheart Meeko!

Libby Drew


You've got a big heart. :D Thanks for making me smile.



What kind of social work are you thinking of exactly?


I'm thinking like Child Protective Services, but I'm still unsure.



well. goodluck with that. seriously. I know someone who works in that field, and depending on the county you live in, and the amount of funding they get, it can be a ridiculously tough job, or just a plain tough job. My friend S. was working in a county, where they didn't have enough funding to use computer systems, so all her reports had to be written by hand and stuff. So that was very time consuming, she had to spend more time writing reports than she did visiting families and making sure that things were okay and stuff. So I hope you've thought long and hard on the issue. :)


Also she was an english major. :) So's yeah.


GOODLUCK with all that, and I wish you the best.

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