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3,700 Freshmen move to UD



3,700 Freshman Move to UD


Freshmen are so goddamned adorable- so impossibly young, so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Last night I partied with some friends, and we enjoyed the spectacle of the hordes of freshmen looking for parties. We even helped one freshman who got just a little too drunk- the whole thing was kinda surreal- because it felt like just yesterday I WAS that guy, and now...it's four years later and I'm now the "cool upperclassmen", as the Freshman put it. It's weird being on the other side.


Sloppy Drunk Freshman had a new buddy from his dorm that was Not-So-Sloppy Drunk Freshman, who kinda watched over him a little. Myself and my group of friends all basically said, "You guys will be best friends for the next four years." That's totally how college friendships tend to happen- they're forged through the patting of one's back while your new friend throws up because he's had too much to drink. And then you tease him about it the next day while eating Sunday brunch in the dining hall.


Although I did have a bit of an epiphany- when myself and my fellow senior were exclaiming our pride at being seniors, Not-So-Sloppy Drunk Freshman said, "Why would you brag about that? That means you only have one year left!" He had a point, and I'll miss college (although the way things are looking I might end up taking another semester or a year), I have four interesting memories of college to contend with, that can't be taken away from me, and while I miss the excitement of freshman year and everything being new...I think I like myself a lot better now, at 23, than I did when I was 19 years old.


Still, it's so weird. I mean, I'm technically not a 5th year senior, since I took 2008 off, but still- this fall marks 5th year of my college party experience. Now that I'm a grizzled veteran at this, it's nice to pass on my wisdom and experience...


Finally. I WILL have a cute freshman boy. I will. I swear it. I'm going to be Mr. Robinson and enjoy the hell out of it. Although my friend Steve teased me for it- "You're 23, Jeremy. You are way too old to have sex with a freshman." He's prolly right, but whatever- I don't care if it would make me a male cougar- I'm going to do it!


Adam and Mark, you got any seduction tips you can give me? I think the approach I'm going for is "the cool upperclassmen guy who buys beers and makes a nice party buddy, who just happens to be gay..." I think if I'm open about being gay, I'll be more likely to run accross guys who may be curious or questioning themselves- and because I'm a familiar, older, and more experienced guy- they just might come to me...16.gif




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I'd forgotten about trying on the fresh-meat. It's the best thing about fall.


They are so cute, dumb and intoxicated that you just can't lose.


I always had a great time after football games: lots of drunk kids, you don't have to buy booze.

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If you don't state you are gay, but have others spread the word, you'll get ass in half a second. And who is Adam and Mark? And why do they apparently have all the answers?


They'll migrate to you, or that shy pussy one will know who you are and eventually introduce himself. Its like dirty clockwork.

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I'm referring to Adam P, who wrote "Cross Currents" and is finishing up the passed-away Dan Kincaid's story "It Started With Brian", and Mark Arbour. They both seem rather well versed in sex.

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Hubby & I are using photobooth to raise funds for Disabled Student Services at CSULB this week, since it's first week back...I'm drinking Coke to keep from drooling at all the nice, tall, tan blondes, brunettes and redheads...Mmm, Mmm, Mmm!



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