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ghosts and other spooky things


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Ghosts? I believe in them for sure. I saw one once to be honest. I was walking down my hall to my room (which is conveniently located at the farthest point of the house) and it was dark and i turned on a light and i saw a girl run past me and nearly knocked me over...no joke. I flipped out, ran to my room, hid under the covers and didnt come out till my mom got home after i called her lol.


I swear to god i saw this girl plain as i see my computer screen. She was in a small lace nightgown almost, had long black hair (not Ring type but shoulder length, nicely brushed, black hair), she had red shoes on that looked like Dorothy's and looked lieks he was from the Caribbean or something because of the skin one. It was like a natural tan almost.


Ive never seen her again but i can see her clear as day in my mind. F*ck that shit lol

Edited by The Reaper
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Well you can all rest assured that if there's such a thing as ghosts, I'm going to be floating around haunting as many people as possible and making everyones life a living hell :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


That, would be fun!!



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Well... I believe in ghosts but not as the usual thing where they come into our world and start messing around with things. I think that might be possible, but I wouldn't say I believe in it.... that doesn't make sence so don't try and understand it :P


What I do believe though is that when people die they can visit our dreams. Now, this is impossible to prove and you can put what I'm about to say under the label 'weird dream' if you want. I know what I think and thats enough for me.


Basically, I remember a dream I had once shortly after my grandma died. She had been ill for a long time and had died eventually... I had lived with my grandma and grandad for a year or two then and so I had been closer to my grandma then might be usual, I don't know. Anyway, this dream was the night after they brought her back to the house. She was lying in her coffin for a few days in the front room and my bedroom was directly above it (with my bed being in almost the exact same position just a story above. I don't think that matters but it is a creepy detail :P )


Anyway, this is the dream that I had:


I woke up (in the dream) and went downstairs in the house. Everything was as usual. My grandma was there making some breakfast, my grandad was sitting in his armchair watching GMTV and the fire was lit and everything. My grandma brought me some cornflakes from the kitchen. It went as usual for a little while, with my grandma interrogating me to make sure I haden't forgetten anything for school when I suddenly remembered that she was dead. I asjed her what she was doing there and she said that it was quite dull sometimes so she'd just quickly come back to see how things were. I said they were ok and that she was looking well. Apparently some people in heaven didn't eat their cornflakes in the morning (which was a crime worthy of being hanged in my grandma's mind :P )

Then she said that she had to be getting back, I said goodbye and that I missed her and she said it was nice seeing me and then I woke up for real.



Now, like I said you can quite easily label that as nothing but a strange dream but I think that my grandma did visit me in that dream and no offence but I'll think what I like.


Anyway, thats all really.

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Well... I believe in ghosts but not as the usual thing where they come into our world and start messing around with things. I think that might be possible, but I wouldn't say I believe in it.... that doesn't make sence so don't try and understand it :P


What I do believe though is that when people die they can visit our dreams. Now, this is impossible to prove and you can put what I'm about to say under the label 'weird dream' if you want. I know what I think and thats enough for me.


Basically, I remember a dream I had once shortly after my grandma died. She had been ill for a long time and had died eventually... I had lived with my grandma and grandad for a year or two then and so I had been closer to my grandma then might be usual, I don't know. Anyway, this dream was the night after they brought her back to the house. She was lying in her coffin for a few days in the front room and my bedroom was directly above it (with my bed being in almost the exact same position just a story above. I don't think that matters but it is a creepy detail :P )


Anyway, this is the dream that I had:


I woke up (in the dream) and went downstairs in the house. Everything was as usual. My grandma was there making some breakfast, my grandad was sitting in his armchair watching GMTV and the fire was lit and everything. My grandma brought me some cornflakes from the kitchen. It went as usual for a little while, with my grandma interrogating me to make sure I haden't forgetten anything for school when I suddenly remembered that she was dead. I asjed her what she was doing there and she said that it was quite dull sometimes so she'd just quickly come back to see how things were. I said they were ok and that she was looking well. Apparently some people in heaven didn't eat their cornflakes in the morning (which was a crime worthy of being hanged in my grandma's mind :P )

Then she said that she had to be getting back, I said goodbye and that I missed her and she said it was nice seeing me and then I woke up for real.



Now, like I said you can quite easily label that as nothing but a strange dream but I think that my grandma did visit me in that dream and no offence but I'll think what I like.


Anyway, thats all really.



A good friend of mine in High School told once about her house which use to belong to her Grand Parents. She said that most of the family, including aunt, Uncles and cousins have had some strange things happen there. She said the freakest thing happen with her Mom. Her mom was asleep and had a dream about my friends Grandmom(her moms mother) and in the dream all her Grandmom said was "wake up Meg and look", her mom woke up just in time to see someone trying to break in there window. She picked up the Phone and called the police, the guy ran but was picked up the next street over with a loaded gun. Tasha was freaked out about the entire thing, but her mom was calm, she said even when she saw someone at the window she didnt freakout to bad because she knew she would be ok. Someone was watching out for her

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As an very old man, I made a lot of experiences in this matter, but it would be too long to bring them.


Just a few citations :


"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy "

William Shakespeare in "Hamlet".


and from Carl Gustav Jung :

"I could not say I believe

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  • 3 months later...

Bump for Halloween and I will add a story


I was working at Linens and things and a couple of the girls use to talk about how they thought the place was haunted. My manager Mike who i also am pretty good friends with absolutely did not believe in ghost. Then two strange things happen and now he at least does not laugh.


One mourning Me and him and another worker James were in very early to re do an entire section. Me and Mike went to the stock room for items when we heard someone come in and open the office door(which is locked and only a manager can open it). We both thought another manger had come in early and when we went back out we asked James if they mentioned how good the section looked. He was surprised and said he hadn't seen anyone pass bye(that section was by the entrance). Sure enough no was there or showed up for another hour.


But it wasn't until the next week did Mike and me become really freaked out. We again were both in early and we were talking about tagging the Table top section when we both heard something come crashing down in the front of the store. We got up there to find nothing out of place, and why we were up there we then both heard what sounded like cookware falling to the floor. We ran there and again not. We ignored it for a few minutes until we then heard stuff in bedding falling. At this point Mike turned to me and said "Hey lets take a 15 and go get some breakfast". We left and when we came back nothing was out of place.

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