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Skype and IRC

old bob

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Well, I've heard Skype is pretty good, but I believe that it is not very popular in India. Personally, I use Google Talk and Yahoo Messenger for Voice chatting and use Sify Iway for International calls.


The BeaStKid

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I dont really know much about Skype...but usually to talk to people i'd think youd need to friend them, and you cant friend strangers cause they wouldnt know you.

However IRC isnt that difficult, and its not like it doesnt offer any security. It has a steep learning curve, but once you get the hang of it it gets easy to use, and its one of the best ways to meet people imo :P I met most of my closest online friends through irc only. What exactly do you find frightening?

Edited by pitchan
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What exactly do you find frightening?

In fact, nothing, just the amount of "informations for beginners" I had to read :lol: .Its the same when you have to dip in cold water from an 3 meters high springboard :P . The first step is always not easy :D .

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My dad uses Skype. Here's what he told me about Skype, and I verified all this stuff by going to their web site.


Skype is easy to install and use. It has several options:

Skype PC

Skype Out

Skype Unlimited

Skype In


The PC version of Skype (I'll call it Skype PC) is free. Both parties have to be on their computer, have headphones and a microphone, and broadband internet access. You don't have to worry about people being in other countries as long as they have internet access.


Skype Out is a pay service. It lets you from your PC call any phone number anywhere in the world. There's a per-minute fee that varies by country.


Skype Unlimited is a pay service. It's similar to Skype Out, but it's only for people in the U.S. and Canada. For $29.95 per year you can place unlimited calls from your PC to any phone number in the U.S. and Canada.


Skype In is a pay service. It lets you receive Skype calls from anyone's telephone anywhere in the world on your PC. You get an actual country-local phone number anyone can dial.


If you don't like the idea of sitting at your PC to send or receive calls, you can spend some $$$ and buy the SMC WiFi Phone for Skype. It's a wireless phone that enables you to make Skype calls without using a computer. The list price (in the U.S.) is $159.99.


There are a lot of options for Skype, like voicemail and the FON WiFi router.


Everything's on the Skype web site at www.skype.com.



Colin B)

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In fact, nothing, just the amount of "informations for beginners" I had to read :lol: .Its the same when you have to dip in cold water from an 3 meters high springboard :P . The first step is always not easy :D .


Yeah I remember when I first started to go online on IRC. I was totally confused and found it kinda scary at first...so many new things to learn and all lol. Instead of mIRC you could get UPP (Ultra Protection Project). Its a advanced script for mIRC. It contains countless useful features, including a file server with firewall support, fail queue support, multiple channel protections, theme support, and much much more. It is highly customizable and has a really good user interface. Link: http://upp.monkey-pirate.com/

I have a tutorial for basic IRC stuff up on another forum...want to check it out?

Btw what kind of contacts are you trying to get? Anything specific like channels for gay fiction and all? I am part of a few gay oriented channels (though almost all of those channels are for the fans of japanese yaoi manga). Yaoi is a publishing genre which originated in Japan and often encompasses manga, doujinshi, anime, and, fanart. It focuses on homosexual relationships between male characters and is generally sexually explicit. I have yet to go out and search for other kinds of gay oriented channels.

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The good old Tele is the best...no problems!!! lol...and Mobile call rates for international calls here in India are nose-diving...and so are the national call rates...you can call for Rs. 1 a minute...dirt cheap..


The BeaStKid

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Hey Pitchan !

I have a tutorial for basic IRC stuff up on another forum...want to check it out?

Thanks for your comment :worship: Yes, I'm sure it will help.


BTW,what kind of contacts are you trying to get? Anything specific like channels for gay fiction and all?

I don't know then. Its a first try, so I didn't choose yet. BTW, I went already before on Yaoi, its nice !

I'm more searching chat possibilities than fiction :D .

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My dad uses Skype. Here's what he told me about Skype, and I verified all this stuff by going to their web site.

Colin B)

Thanks Colin :worship:

But I'm still looking for people who experienced themselves long distance "skype" calls (from PC to PC).

Have a good day.

old Bob

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I downloaded it a year or some ago. At the time I uninstalled it because it crashed down, but I changed OS since; I didn't try it again, but the sound quality was amazing, because we used mikes that are much better than a phone receiver. Some of my friends have used it for a while without any problems. Would I have to be talking long-distance with someone regularly, I'd use Skype.

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Hey Pitchan !


Thanks for your comment :worship: Yes, I'm sure it will help.



I don't know then. Its a first try, so I didn't choose yet. BTW, I went already before on Yaoi, its nice !

I'm more searching chat possibilities than fiction :D .


This introduction to IRC is not mine. A friend of mine wrote it for another forum, but its pretty concise so ill copy/paste it here:


mIRC is a chatting software which can be used for file sharing. Sounds simple? Yes, but a lot of people are afraid of using mIRC and some say that it has mystical powers which it uses to bewitch your hard drive to rise against you, the user. But dont be fooled: mIRC is your friend...


In this tutorial, first let's see the basic mechanism so that you can actually understand what's going on. Here we go...


How it works


The process is simple.


1) You connect to a SERVER using a NICKNAME. (Something like connecting to Yahoo with your Yahoo username.)

2) You join a CHANNEL. (Channels are equivalent to Chat rooms on Yahoo)

3) The users on a channel (chat room) are classified into: OPERATORS (Short: Ops), HALF-OPERATORS (Short: Half-Ops), VOICED USERS and REGULARS. (Some servers have extra classifications like Super Ops and the like... but dont worry about it for now).

4) After you're connected, you can TALK by typing out something and pressing your Enter key.

5) You can also DOWNLOAD from people who want to give you stuff. (Now that's what most of you are interested in)

6) The people who want to give you stuff can DCC SEND it to you. This means that they have to select which file you want and send it to you. Now, 93.4% of the world is comprised of lazy bums like you and me... (well, me atleast). So, these people set up a thing called FILE SERVER. These file servers are like an automatic answering machine which will send what files you want. You ACTIVATE a FILE SERVER using a TRIGGER. (Something like CALLING a TELEPHONE using a PHONE NUMBER). Once inside, you can use commands very similar to DOS, like dir and cd (taught later on in the tutorial), to find out what anime the person is serving. If you find something interesting, you type another command asking him to send the file. More on File Serves (Short: FSERVES) later on...

7) Some kind-hearted people set up things called XDCC SERVERS or XDCC BOTS. These bots are located on dedicated servers to send you stuff at very high speeds (depends on your connection though). You can download stuff from them too... We'll learn about them too.

Cool After you download your stuff, and finish everything, it's time to close mIRC. (But of course, that's only if..... you want to...... muhahhahhaa)


And here is the link to the IRC tutorial I made. Its for the upp client, so dont think it would work if you downloaded a different IRC client if you do decide to go on IRC.


Most of the stuff up there is when you know what channel to go to, though once you have a client you can go through a list of the servers/networks you want to join and to join you type: /server <server address> and to join a channel you say: /join #channel name

Im sure there is a way to search for channels once your on a server. I've always had specific channels to go to so never really had to search for channels, so dunno how to do that. I'll go find out how to do that and tell you tomorrow if you want :P

Edited by pitchan
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*grabs her cerimonial headdress, lights a fire, and starts to dance around it and chant*




*stops chanting, takes off the headdress, sits down on the couch and watches the pretty fire*


IRC looks extremly confusing but if I, one who still doesnt know left from right, (yes Im serious) can use it then anyone over 10 can.


When I first started, I was on IRC AND I had an IRC Newbie webpage open so I could do everything step by step. It helped ALOT that it had pictures. After about the first hour I was just about good. I dont know EVERYTHING, but I know enough to get around and not be called a Newbie. And when I forget how to do something, I just find another IRC newbie page to remind myself.

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I use something called a land-based telephone for long distance calls. Some of you might not have heard of it. :P


Next year, I'm updating the phone to digital. My right index finger is all worn out. :lol:

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I use something called a land-based telephone for long distance calls. Some of you might not have heard of it. :P


Next year, I'm updating the phone to digital. My right index finger is all worn out. :lol:


I liked the onion referring to "this page, which was sent to us over an archaic phone based network of low quality pritners."

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i use mirc

but till this day i dont noe everything about it

i play pc games ( such as counter strike)

and there are many chanels in irc

that pc gamers use..

thats the only way i found out about it

but i dont think its all that bad

i mean complicated ..? VERY

but once u get the hang of it its not all that bad


skype on the other hand i do not like for somereason

its just really anoying

and i dont have that many ppl that i kno who use it so

i dont use it at all anymore..its really something if you know alot of ppl on it

Edited by CoLeYy
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Thanks Colin :worship:

But I'm still looking for people who experienced themselves long distance "skype" calls (from PC to PC).

Have a good day.

old Bob


I just used Skype on my dad's PC to call a friend of mine who lives in Wisconsin. He's on dial-up (not recommended). It still was almost as good as using my cell to talk to him, which I did to have him install Skype. He had the combo headphone/mike, it came with voice recognition SW he got. Anyway, it was fine. The other advantage, I sent him a couple of pix while we were talking, and other than taking a long time to download them at his end (dial-up sucks) it worked really well.


Since Skype is free, install it on your PC and on someone else's and give it a try. You need headphones and a mike, or a combo. OK combos are sold at Fry's here for $2.95 and should be available in Switzerland for about the same if you use mail order or shop around.



Colin ;)

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  • Site Administrator
But I'm still looking for people who experienced themselves long distance "skype" calls (from PC to PC).

I haven't used it a lot, but I've had a three way conversation on Skype that was at least as good a phone line. The three participants in the call were in Australia (me), Korea and USA (Texas). One of people I was talking to is in the broadcast media industry, and he's used Skype for some of his recordings, and they sounded like they were in the same room.


I found it was very heavy on CPU power on my machine, but since I wasn't doing anything else while I was talking, that wasn't really a problem -- just something I noticed.

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I use something called a land-based telephone for long distance calls. Some of you might not have heard of it.


This reminds me of a time before unlimited long distance and nights & weekend minutes. I met someone 'online' in 1995 and we started talking on the phone long distance. Eventually we were talking just about every night. Well, it was every night until I got a $350+ phone bill :wacko: .


And the bastard was really 46yo pretending to be 19yo :wacko:


Take Care®,



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Well old bob if your still interested in irc...you can download upp from the link I gave you (or do you want me to upload a client with everything set up already? I dont mind...I got one lying around the comp already XD). Anyways if you want to look for channels, choose a server to go into (though if you donwload upp it automatically chooses a default server, cant remember its name) and say /list . This brings up a window full of lists of channels within that server. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks Colin :worship:

But I'm still looking for people who experienced themselves long distance "skype" calls (from PC to PC).

Have a good day.

old Bob

Skype is my lifeline.

I trust it implicitly although sometimes during phonecalls, especially long distance the call will drop out. If this happens though it is simple just to call back. I dont know if your still wondering about it but if you are feel free to PM me.

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Skype is my lifeline. I dont know if your still wondering about it but if you are feel free to PM me.

Thanks for your offer :worship: . Skype is cool :D . I tried "SkypeMe" and got a lot of calls (most spam calls), even too many ! :lol: . I'm still searching a contact abroad to test long distance calls. Do you have any experiences with "conference calls"?

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