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Anyone using DC++?

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In my local intranet we use DC++. A filesharing-programm based on "hubs" that one connects to.


This noon I was quite surprised that a function, normaly used for update notices, is now used for US election propaganda.


At start a message window pops up containing the folloing message:

It is of course interesting that www.georgewbush.com is not

accessible from outside america (europe at least), but then again freedom of information

has never been on bush's agenda...i'm not very surprised though, that's what religious fanatics

usually do when pressed...

Use http://proxy.guardster.com/cgi-bin/nph-pro...573682e636f6d2f

to access it instead, and watch him scare americans into voting for him using

the very same terrorist threats that he can't handle himself! Starting wars and sending young

people to their deaths from a comfortable chair far way is ok, but taking critique he fears. Not

what I'd call a strong leader.

http://www.johnkerry.com works as it should though.

Yes, this is an annoying spam message that won't go away until the election is

over or the site opens.

You can see this text at http://dcplusplus.sf.net/version.xml.


I don't want to comment this much. Only that it's true. I can't access www.georgewbush.com directly.


What do you think about this? One one hand about blocking european IPs on this address, on the other hand about using a non related program for such a purpose.



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  • Site Administrator

It is probably a protection against Denial of Service attacks.


We are not discussing politics on this site, since we all seem to have radically different views.

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